Chapter 8- Captured

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It was a maze trying to find my way out of the engine room

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It was a maze trying to find my way out of the engine room. I've never been down here before in all my times I've stayed on the Helicarrier. If I could just make it to the bridge and find Director Fury, maybe he could take me somewhere safe and away from all of this chaos. I stop suddenly when I hear a loud crash and I see something flying through a wall. It was a figure of a person and as it was getting up, I gasp when I see Loki. How was it possible that Loki escaped from his prison?

"I thought Agent Barton would have finished killing you by now." Loki says. He uses his scepter to get up and takes a step forward.

"No, no, no, no." I mutter to myself as I turn the opposite way and try to run away from Loki.

I stop when Loki appears in front of me. Turning the other way, Loki creates a duplicate of himself and it quickly materializes in front of me. I was trapped by the two Loki's and I had nowhere else to run. Loki places his hand on my head and I start to become light-headed. The last thing I remember was falling on the ground and my vision becoming dark.
When I woke up, I found myself lying on the floor in the penthouse of some building. With my head still feeling a little foggy, I slowly rise to my feet and looking ahead of me, I see Loki.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"You're in Stark Tower." Loki replies.

"What?! You shouldn't have brought me here." I say.

"Oh, but I did. Don't you see? I could rule this place. I can bring the humans to their knees. With you at my side, no one would be able to stop us. Think about it. All you have to do is open the portal." Loki says.

"The Avengers will be coming to look for me." I say.

"I wouldn't worry about them. They will be too busy fighting my army." Loki says.

"Well, you're army's not going to come because I won't be opening that portal." I say.

"With a little persuasion, I think you'll change your mind." Loki walks over to me and grabbing my arm, he places the tip of the scepter on my chest. Feeling a strange sense of peace, my body becomes completely relaxed. A fresh new wave of excitement coursed through me. It was almost as if something inside of me has awakened. The whispering voices I kept hearing in my head had suddenly disappeared. I was ready to obey whatever command Loki had for me.

"How do you feel?" Loki asks.

"I feel...different. a good way." I say. "Like I could take down an entire army kind of feeling."

"Good. Your friends will be coming at any moment. I want you to go outside and stand next to the Tesseract. Wait for my signal to open the portal." Loki commands.

Making my way to the rooftop of Stark Tower, I meet up with Dr. Selvig, who was setting up the Tesseract. Hearing my footsteps, he turns and gives me a questioning look.

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