Chapter 13- Epilogue

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Present Day-S.H.I.E.L.D. Mental Facility-Six Months Later


I was looking out the window when I hear Dr. Rivera call out my name. I shift back into my seat and turning away from the window, I face Dr. Rivera.

"You didn't answer my question." Dr. Rivera says.

"I'm sorry...w-what was the question?" I ask.

"Have you had any contact with the Avengers since they left?" Dr. Rivera asks.

"No. We all pretty much went our separate ways once Thor took Loki back to Asgard." I reply. "I've only ever kept in contact with Agent Barton and Agent Romanoff."

"Do you miss them? The Avengers?"

"Sometimes. But I have a feeling I'll see them again." I say.

"What makes you say that?" Dr. Rivera questions.

"Because...if another crises like this happens again, they'll come back."

"You really believe that?" Dr. Rivera asks.

"Yeah, I really do." I say with a hopeful smile.

"You know, for someone your age, you've certainly been through quite a lot. What you did took a lot of determination and a lot of sacrifice. There's no one else in this world that could have done what you did. You fought for what you believed in and you never backed down. I'm truly grateful." Dr. Rivera smiles.


I turn my head when I hear the door from behind me open and a young pretty brunette nurse walks in with a clipboard.

"Ma'am, there is a gentleman in the next room that wants to speak with you."

"Well, I guess this ends our session for today. You did a good job, Kaitlyn. I'll see you tomorrow morning." Dr. Rivera says.

I get up from my seat and following Dr. Wilson, he escorts me back to my room.

"I'm very proud of you today, Kaitlyn. You've managed to make it through a session without having another panic attack." Dr. Wilson says.

"Yeah, well, I really didn't want to get injected with another needle after what happened last time." I say.

"It was an unfortunate situation but we pulled through."

We make it to my room and I turn and face Dr. Wilson.

"Before you go, I just want to say thank you. For everything. I don't know what I could have done without you. You've been with me through so much and I couldn't have asked for a better doctor." I say.

"Don't worry about it. It's my job. I care about you and I want what's best for you. I want to see you come out of here a better person than you were before. You'll make it through this, Kaitlyn. I know it." Dr. Wilson says putting his hand on my shoulder. "I better get back to work. I'll see you later, okay? Keep up the good work."

Once Dr. Wilson leaves, I open the door and as soon as I stepped into my room, I stop in my tracks when I see Agent Barton standing in my room.

"What are you doing here?" I ask Agent Barton.

"Wow, and here I'd thought you'd be happy to see me." Agent Barton says.

When I saw Agent Barton, I noticed something different about him. He wasn't in his normal S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform like he usually was but instead he was wearing normal clothing. He had on a plain white t-shirt, a black leather jacket, blue jeans and boots.

"Sorry." I smile. I walk up to Agent Barton and hug him.

"How've you been?" Agent Barton asks.

"I'm doing good. Hanging in there." I say. "Did Director Fury send you?"

"Actually, yes, he did. Is there any place you'd like to go?" Agent Barton asks.

"Why do you ask that? You know I can't leave this place." I say.

"Not if Director Fury says you can." Agent Barton says.

"Wait, are you saying I can leave this place?" I ask.

"Temporarily. Director Fury feels that it's time you took a little vacation from all of this." Agent Barton says. "So, is there any place you'd like to go?"

"I always found London to be interesting." I say after thinking for a moment about where I wanted to go.

"Okay. Let's go to London. There's a S.H.I.E.L.D. jet waiting for us outside. I've already signed you out and gathered your things. We'll leave whenever you're ready."

"I'm good to go." I say.

"Let's go."

Once Agent Barton and I leave my room, he escorts me to the S.H.I.E.L.D. jet that was waiting outside. We step inside and Agent Barton hands me a tablet as soon as we took our seats.

"Type in your location you will be heading and a place will be ready for you when you get there." Agent Barton explains. "Everything's been covered for."

"Thanks." I say.

"You deserve it." Agent Barton replies. "Hey, listen. I know it's been six months since Loki attacked New York and what happened between us, I just want to say..."


"I feel terrible..."


"I'm sorry."

I look up at Agent Barton and give him a hug. "It wasn't your fault. You and I are good. We always have been." I smile at Agent Barton and he smiles back. The jet takes off and makes its way to London.

I have to say, it was nice of Director Fury to let me leave and have some time for myself. I've never traveled anywhere outside of New York before and I read a lot of interesting things about London on the Internet. Maybe traveling to London could help me recover by getting my mind off Loki and the Battle of New York.

London is one of the greatest cities in the world and there's lots of things to do to keep you occupied. I mean, what's the worst thing that could happen?
A/N: And here we are folks! The final chapter! I hope you guys have enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it and seeing Kaitlyn's story unfold. Her story isn't ending just yet. The next adventure for our young hero will be...

 The next adventure for our young hero will be

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As usual, I'm open to suggestions. Since this is my first attempt of writing a fan fiction, let me know if there's anything that needs to be changed, added, etc.

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