Chapter 10- Assemble

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Before we made it to the ground, Thor calls lightning to his hammer and kills a troop of Chitauri

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Before we made it to the ground, Thor calls lightning to his hammer and kills a troop of Chitauri. Placing me down on the ground, Thor uses a turned over car for support. I stayed close to Thor when I notice Captain America, Agent Romanoff, and Agent Barton walking toward us.

"Kaitlyn, are you..." Agent Barton begins.

"Yes, I'm back to normal." I say.

"Are you hurt?" Captain America asks placing his hand on my shoulder.

"A little worse for wear but nothing I can't handle." I say. "I just want to say I'm sorry that all of this is happening. I fell under Loki's control and I opened the portal."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. We're going to put an end to this." Captain America turns to Thor. "What's the story upstairs?"

"The power surrounding the Cube is impenetrable. Kaitlyn couldn't even shut it down." Thor explains.

"Thor's right. We got to deal with these guys." I hear Tony's voice from Captain America's earpiece.

"How do we do this?" Agent Romanoff asks.

"As a team." Captain America replies.

"I have unfinished business with Loki." Thor says.

"You're not the only one." Agent Barton commented as he readies his arrows.

"You think you're angry, Barton? Get in line." I snap walking over to Agent Barton.

"Save it. Loki's going to keep this fight focused on us, and that's what we need. Without him, these things could run wild." Captain America says. "We got Stark up top. He's going to need us to..."

Captain America trails off when we hear the sound of a motorcycle's engine approaching. We all turn and see Dr. Bruce Banner back in his normal form on an old beat-up motorcycle. I trail nervously behind the others as they walk up to Dr. Banner. He dismounts the motorcycle and looks around at the destruction that was happening around us.

"So, this all seems horrible." Dr. Banner says.

"I've seen worse." I say, giving Dr. Banner a wary look.

"Sorry." Dr. Banner apologizes. "Didn't mean to scare you."

"Stark, we got him." Captain America says into his earpiece.


"Just like you said."

"Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you."

Looking up, we see Tony fly around a corner of a building and following behind him is one of those giant flying armored creatures.

"I don't see how that's a party." Agent Romanoff stutters.

My eyes widen with fear when I see the creature flying toward us and I see Dr. Banner take a step forward.

"Dr. Banner." Captain America calls. "Now might be a really good time for you to get angry."

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