Chapter 12- Goodbye?

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The next morning, the news was swarming with events that happened yesterday

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The next morning, the news was swarming with events that happened yesterday. I sit on the edge of my bed in the infirmary and watched as different groups of people try to explain what happened during the battle in New York. A lot of people were saying how some of them were grateful for what the Avengers did protecting the city and there were some who were not so grateful.

I changed the channel to another news station where there was a major story about me opening the portal on top of Stark Tower. A low-quality video appeared next to the reporter that showed me opening the portal with a caption that read "Friend or Foe?"

A lump forms in my throat when I hear the reporter questioning whether or not I was a threat and if I should be taken in by the government for questioning. Well, there goes my luck for having any form of privacy when I step out on the streets of New York. I'm pretty sure S.H.I.E.L.D. will try to cover up with what happened on Stark Tower and keep me hidden from the public eye by erasing any story and any surveillance footage of me opening the portal and my connection to Loki.

My head turns when I see Steve knock on the door. I point to the TV with the remote in my hand as Steve walks in. "Look, I'm on TV."

A concerned expression crosses Steve's face when he looks up at the TV and sees the footage of me opening the portal. He grabs the remote that I placed on the table and turns it off.

"They think I should be taken in for questioning." I say.

"I wouldn't worry about them. S.H.I.E.L.D. won't let them take you." Steve reassures.

"How can you be sure about that?" I ask. "You saw what happened at Stark Tower. They think I'm dangerous!"

"You're not dangerous. This was Loki's doing. Not yours." Steve replies.

"People are scared of us. They're scared of me."

"That's what happens when being a hero. Not everyone is going to like you."

"Everybody likes you. You're Captain America." I say.

"Trust me, I've had my fair share of not being liked. But I believe that if you keep fighting, if you keep doing what is right, maybe they'll change their minds."

"I highly doubt that. You think people are just going to forgive and forget when they see me? I almost destroyed this city!" I say, my voice rising a little.

"Yeah, but you also saved it. Just give them some time." Steve says. He looks down at my hand and sees that it was wrapped in gauze. "How's your hand?"

"Still hurts. Still in a lot of pain. But the doctor gave me some pain meds. He says it will take a while for it to completely heal." I reply.

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