Chapter 11- Hero

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I manage to climb aboard the speeder and seeing the Chitauri that was flying it, I fire an energy blast through its chest and it falls off. I make my way to another soldier and he begins to choke. It took about a few minutes for the soldier to stop breathing and it falls off the speeder. I grab the controls and make harsh turns around the buildings of the city.

"Turn! Turn! Ah!" I shout when the speeder I was flying hits against the side of a building. "Not good!"

I turn my head around when I see two Chitauri soldiers speeding towards me. They begin to fire at me and I swerve to avoid the blasts. From the corner of my eye, I see Tony fly by and he blasts the soldiers that were flying after me. He flies down to the ground with Captain America and Agent Romanoff and fights alongside them against the Chitauri.

I fly by Agent Barton and see him taking out any soldier that came his way. I wasn't that far off from Stark Tower when an energy blast narrowly misses my head causing me to turn and see Loki following behind me.

"Oh, you." I groan. Loki continues to fire as I swerve to avoid his blasts.

Agent Barton!

Kait, what are you doing? A questioning look crosses Agent Barton's face when he sees me flying in the distance on the speeder.

No questions! A little help!

Agent Barton releases an arrow and aims it, waiting for Loki to appear behind me.

I got him.

Agent Barton fires the arrow when he sees Loki. Without even looking, Loki catches the arrow which was inches away from hitting his face. Looking at the arrow, he smirks when he turns to Agent Barton just as the arrow explodes and it sends him crashing onto the platform of Stark Tower. Making my way to the tower, I jump off the speeder and land on top of the platform right at the same time Loki landed.

Loki and I make eye contact once I landed on the rooftop and he takes a step toward me. Before he could grab me, the Hulk leaps up and lands on the rooftop. He grabs Loki and throws him through the window of the penthouse. The Hulk roars and moves towards Loki once he gets to his feet.

"Enough!" Loki shouts. "You are, all of you, beneath me! I am a god, you dull creature. And I will not be bullied by..."

I wince once the Hulk grabs Loki by his feet and smashes him repeatedly into the floor. He throws him aside and walks away.

"Puny god." The Hulk mutters.

I try to hold back laughter after I had watched the Hulk pound Loki into submission. Loki got what he deserved after causing all of this mess. Getting up to my feet, I make my way towards the Tesseract.

"The scepter..." I hear Dr. Selvig say.

"Dr. Selvig."

"Loki's scepter. The energy. The Tesseract can't fight, but you can't protect against yourself." Dr. Selvig says.

"Hey, it's not your fault. You didn't know what you were doing. Believe me, I feel the same way." I say, kneeling next to Dr. Selvig.

"Actually, I think I did know what I was doing. I built in a safety to cut their power source." Dr. Selvig says.

"Loki's scepter." I say.

"It may be able to close the portal." Dr. Selvig looks down to the platform below and sees Loki's scepter. "And I'm looking right at it."

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