I, as usual, know nothing about what we're doing on this date, apart the fact he said I should dress fancy. The cream, glittering dress is far from something I'd usually wear and my hair is falling over my shoulders in light curls. After giving my make up a quick touch up, I think I'm ready. Slowly, I step out of the bathroom and into the wide, open space at the top of the staircase.
"Wow, you- you look amazing." Luke says, standing at the bottom of the stairs in a suit, a small bouquet of red and white roses clutched tightly in his hands. As usual, he still had his black vans on.
"Thanks." I tuck a few stray hairs behind my ear. "You look great too."
"This ties kinda strangling me though." He replies, wrestling with the tie.
"Luke," I meet him at the bottom of the stairs. "Don't wear it if it's uncomfortable."
I carefully unknot it and pull it from where it was wrapped around his neck. "That feel better?" I ask, undoing the top button of his shirt.
"Much better." He says, letting out a deep breath. "You seem pretty good at undressing, you wanna do it again sometime?" He smirks.
"As dirty minded as ever." I chuckle.
"Anyway, I got you some flowers, you do like roses, right?"
I take the flowers from his hand, "They're beautiful."
"Not as beautiful as you." He replies, wrapping his fingers around mine.
"Let me guess," I say as he grabs the car keys. "Illegal driving again?"
"As always." He grins.
My mouth drops open in shock as we pull up outside the restaurant. "No way, Heaven Italia?"
"Yep." He smiles.
"But how?" Heaven Italia is known for being the best (but also most expensive) restaurant in the city. And I don't know how he could afford it, I know very few people who have ever been here and even then people only come here on very special occasions.
"I've been saving." He chuckles, entwining his fingers in mine as we enter the restaurant.
"Do you have a reservation?" The smartly dressed woman sitting at a desk by the entrance asks.
"Yes, it's a table for Mr and Miss Hemmings." He answers, nervously biting his lip.
She gets up from her desk and leads us through the never ending restaurant. "Alright, your table is just over here." She smiles, taking us to a table situated in a quiet corner of the room.
"So, Mr and Miss Hemmings?" I ask, taking a seat.
"Mom booked the table, okay?"
"It's cute." I smile.
Half a hour later, we're eating a giant pizza between us.
"You never seemed like a pizza girl." Luke says, stuffing another slice into his mouth. "But then again, I never thought I'd be dating a nerd."
"Don't judge a book by its cover, Luke. I thought you were a complete imbecile but it turns out you're only a slight imbecile." I say.
"Thanks Jane. Is this really the best compliment I'm getting?"
I laugh, "For now."
By the time the pizza was finished and the laughs had ended, we're ready to leave. "I've got one more surprise." Luke says. "You're gonna love it."
"Where the hell are we?" I ask Luke, who handmade me walk to a far hidden corner of town.
"You'll see in a minute." He replies, turning the corner.
Locked (l.h)
Fanfiction"You know Jane, this isn't you. Your mum scared you into being this, the real you is just locked up inside." "I think the same about you. The fame scared you into being punk rock, when really your just a kitten locked inside a rock star."