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{New Ink}

As the soft rays of the winter sun brushed against Jungkook's back, the brunette stood just outside the B-ink tattoo parlour, lips pursed as he locked eyes with a familiar male inside. It was just before six o'clock in the morning, yet Jungkook could clearly see Yoongi perching himself against the front counter. 

In between his fingers was a single cigarette, his eyes lidded with sleep. The male's facial expression practically read 'we open way to early' as he brought the cigarette up to his doll like lips, chest rising as he inhaled the substance. Bringing the cigarette away from his mouth, Yoongi leant himself back against the counter, eyes absentmindedly drifting to the ceiling as he slowly exhaled the plume of grey smoke through his lips, almost like a dragon letting out a breath. 

Lowering his gaze, Yoongi's eyes momentarily grew wide as he locked his gaze with the brunette standing just outside the front of the shop. Jungkook simply placed a hand against his hip, rocking back on his heel as he waited for Yoongi's response. 

Snubbing out his cigarette Yoongi let out a sigh, the smell of smoke looming in the stagnant air of the tattoo parlour. The blonde kept his eyes locked with Jungkook's, his eyebrow piercing raising as he gave the younger male a look of question. There was a moment of wordless conversation between both Yoongi and Jungkook before the younger finally took his cue to enter the tattoo parlour, the small chime of the bell above the glass door sounding as he entered inside. 

Yoongi gave a simple nod, a wordless hello before shuffling away from the counter, heading into the back room for a brief moment. Jungkook waited patiently, one elbow leant against the wooden surface before Yoongi re-emerged, this time followed by a sleepy Jimin. 

The tuffs of the male's orange hair stuck up in all different directions. Jimin lazily swept a hand through his hair, but failed to tame it as he strolled up to the front counter, letting out a sleepy yawn as his droopy eyes locked with Jungkook's. 

"Oh, you actually came back for the cover up." he spoke groggily, leaning his entire body weight against the counter as he rubbed at his sleep filled eyes. 

Jungkook couldn't care for Jimin's tired state, simply clicking his tongue inside his mouth at the male's comment, "Dude, I literally almost slashed the tattoo yesterday... didn't that say enough?"

Jimin gave a shrug, "I guess it did." he muttered, voice slightly more awake. With sluggish movements, Jimin moved past Yoongi and over to the computer, starting it up, "I can probably do the coverup in a few hours, I got a client coming in soon."

Jungkook couldn't help but feel discouraged by the male, "That's fine... can I get something else done in the meantime?"

"Like another tattoo?"


"Taehyung's free right now, he could do something for you." Jimin replied flatly, face illuminated by the light from the computer screen. 

Jungkook wasn't actually expecting someone else to be free to tattoo him at the moment, so he couldn't help but raise his brows in interest. It had been a while since he committed himself to another tattoo, maybe it was about time. 

"Sure, I'm fine with that." Jungkook replied. 

Standing beside Jimin, Yoongi was quick to feel his lip twitch up into the slightest of smirks, seemingly pleased with Jungkook's request. Turning on his heels, Yoongi was quick to snatch a design off the wall behind the counter, almost tearing the paper as he harshly pulled it from its position on display. 

Yoongi spun back towards the counter, slapping the design flat against the wooden surface, "How about this." he coaxed, voice deep and bribing as his lip rose into a smirk, brows raised as he awaited Jungkook's reply. 

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