forty three

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{two targets}


Eyes wide, breath ragged and harsh. Jungkook's hands trembled at his sides before he dug his nails into the palms of his hands once again, only this time he drew blood, the warm substance rolling down his fingertips and dotting against the pavement bellow. 

He pushed his way out of the grocery store, hissing as the cold winter air mixed with heavy rain hit him like a hurricane. He brought his arms around himself, walking through the puddles of water as the rain kissed his face and rolled down his heated skin. 

He began to tremble, but he couldn't tell if it was from the cold or his increasing anxiety as he made his way to the closest alleyway. He just prayed for this not to hurt as he drew in a deep breath, pausing for a moment as he stood just around the looming corner. 

Jungkook let out a sigh, dropping his arms back to his side as he turned his gaze to the rain above. The water washed over his face in gentle streams, rolling down his neck as he watched the grey clouds move overhead. It was a moment of calm. A moment for Jungkook to collect himself before he balled his hands into tight fists, holding his breath as he took a daring step around that final corner and into the shadows. 

The buildings overhead shielded him from the rain, but also from the sights of any onlookers as none other then a familiar man approached from the darkness. 

Jungkook just stood at the end of the alleyway, watching as his father's expression fell horrifyingly murderous. He heard it coming; the slow footsteps, like a threatening whisper. 

Then, within a split moment, Jungkook found himself wincing as his father lunged forwards, gripping his wrist in his hand. Jungkook could barely process what was happening... he thought he probably wouldn't make it out alive. 

Jungkook came back to his senses as his father tugged him forwards, his vice like grip causing Jungkook to let out a pained breath as nails dug into his skin. The gang leader didn't care though, only tightening his grip as he took a hold of Jungkook's sleeve, pushing up the fabric to reveal the tattoos that lay spiralling underneath. 

Eyes quickly lifting to read his father's expression, Jungkook almost wanted to disappear entirely the moment the man's face shifted into one of pure rage. "YOU COVERED IT!" The gang leader shook Jungkook's arm, causing the male to gasp as he was tugged forwards. Jungkook's legs were frozen into place as his father squeezed at the skin where the old Jeon family tattoo use to be, "It was someone from that fucking gang of yours wasn't it." He spat, grinding his teeth to suppress some of his boiling anger. 

Jungkook didn't know what to do, all he could think of was to deny it, "I have no idea what you're talking about- AH FUCK!" Jungkook screamed out as his father took a fist full of the brunette's hair, pulling the male's scalp as he tilted Jungkook's head up. 

With eyes so void of emotion, Jungkook found his teeth almost beginning to chatter as his father looked down upon him, "I taught you all about eye contact, didn't I?" Jungkook let out a pained cry as his father tightened his grip, "Don't fuck with me son, I know you're loitering with Bangtan, don't act like I didn't find out on the night of the infiltration... my men saw you."

Placing his hands against his father's chest, Jungkook tried to pry himself away... but instead, his father moved his hands to Jungkook's arms instead, backing the smaller male into a wall and keeping him there. Jungkook's breath came out heavy as he spoke, "So?"

"It's an abomination son."

Jungkook couldn't help but spit in his father's face, "Don't call me your fucking son"

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