twenty two

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{District Unknown}

After gathering their belongings the gang moved to a safer location. The tattoo parlour to be more exact. Jimin made his way over to the frosted windows, standing on his toes as he reached to pull down the blinds. He then proceeded to flip the open sign on the door to read 'closed' before turning back towards the space in front of the counter. 

In front of the counter was three lounges. It was usually where Jimin, Yoongi and Taehyung did their consultations with clients, but it had a different purpose tonight. After dimming the lights, the gang sat themselves on the couches, slightly distancing themselves from Daisy, but allowing her to speak regardless. They had hit a wall, and if this chick had information, then they could really use her help.

Tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, Daisy waited for the males to settle before she spoke, "As I said before, I'm from a gang known as 'District Unknown'... we're secretive, not even the Jeons have information on us."

Crossing one leg over the other, Yoongi lent back against the lounge, "Then why are you revealing your gang to us?" 

She let out a small huff, "I know you won't rat us out... because I know you guys are good people." she began to speak, leaning forwards in the slightest. 

Yoongi rose a pierced brow, "And how do you know that?" he snorted.

Daisy simply gave a roll of her eyes, "Because we're the same."

Yoongi bit back his tongue before he questioned her any further. Somehow, for some strange reason he genuinely knew that she was telling the truth. And boy what a good truth this was, if they were truely the same, it meant that they were both organised gangs to bring down the evildoing of other organised syndicates. Yoongi folded his arms over his chest, pleased with the girl's answer. 

Watching Yoongi's gesture, Namjoon was next to speak, "If we're the same, then I suppose we're both on the same side."

"Of course." Daisy replied, her expression falling as she spoke on, "You were asking about why your sister owns money to the Jeons," she paused, locking eyes with Hoseok before she spoke again, "Correct?"

Hoseok gave a small nod, computer in his lap as he locked his gaze with the girl's, "Correct." he watched as Daisy's expression turned dark, and he then found himself speaking again, "Just tell me everything you know... please." he said, already having prepared himself for the worst.

Daisy drew in a breath, her eyes diverting to her feet, "You see... she was a member of our gang."

Bangtan froze up, exchanging looks of surprise as the room momentarily fell into silence. The slight buzz of the heater was all that could be heard in the dimly lit room before Daisy let out a sigh, "She was actually our leader, and a very protective one at that." she gave a sad chuckle, "Unfortunately, the Jeons caught onto our location around six years ago." She turned her gaze to Hoseok, "Your sister was the only one there at the time, so naturally, they confronted her." Daisy, clicked her tongue against the inside of her cheek, "They ended up striking a deal. If the Jeons left District Unknown alone, in return she would pay them on a monthly basis." She swallowed thickly, "It was practically all of our money, but there was no way we could face the Jeons head on."

Jungkook was quick to divert his gaze, grinding his teeth as he thought back to his time in the gang. How he did so much evil, and how if he was maybe a better person back then, he maybe could've helped. 

Hoseok didn't know he'd been holding his breath until he let it all out at once, running a hand through his hair, "And then?"

"We tried something rather daring..." Daisy confessed, bringing her eyes up from the floor, "We were running out of money, we couldn't keep paying off the debt, so whilst your sister distracted the leader of the Jeons one day... the rest of us moved locations." she said, earning wide eyed stares from the group. She pursed her lips, "We shut down our businesses, moved from Busan to here in Seoul. We made it, but your sister...." clenching her hands into tight fists against her lap, she bowed ninety-degrees in her seat, "I'm so sorry." she said, her voice slightly cracking at the end of her sentence as she held back her tears of regret. 

Hoseok placed a hand of comfort against her shoulder, giving it a light squeeze in reassurance, "What's done is done, we can't save everyone." he spoke softly. 

As Daisy leant back against the couch, Jungkook let out a drastic sigh, "I'm guessing that because the Jeon syndicate couldn't locate 'District Unknown' that they chose the next best person to fill that role." Jungkook cast his eyes to Hoseok, "Which was most likely you... but why not your-"

"-My mother passed away from grief." Hoseok quickly confessed, getting the message across without saying a word more.

Jungkook mouthed a small 'ah, I see' before falling back into silence. 

As the manager of surface level affairs, Seokjin was next to speak, "Is there any way that you'd be willing to team up with us?" He suggested out of the blue, leaning forwards as he looked Daisy dead in the eyes, "We've now been put in your exact position, one where we can hide, but not run." he paused before he continued, "I don't know about you, but Bangtan never goes down without a fight, and all of us here are ready to take on the Jeons. We have until the yearly syndicate banquet... are you in?"

Daisy pinched the bridge of her nose, "It's risky, real risky, but I suppose this is what should've happened years ago." she confessed, dropping her hand back down to her lap, "We owe the Jeons a fight... a life for a life." Her freckles crinkled up as her lips rose into a determined smirk, "We want the boss man dead, only then will the Jeons fall and the playing field will be even again." 

"It seems we're on the same page." Jungkook chuckled

Daisy's eyes shot over to Jungkook, "Don't think I didn't recognise you, Jeon Jungkook."

Eyes growing dark, Jungkook's face fell into a scowl, "I don't go by that bloody name anymore."

She rose her brows in amusement, "I guess you have changed." She crossed one leg over the other, "I was just testing you." she laughed, so sweet and melodic but scary at the same time.

Jungkook scoffed as he turned his gaze away once again, earning an eye roll from Taehyung who was seated beside him. Taehyung's lips curved into a cheerful smile, "Then it's a done deal!" he chirped, extending a hand. "The syndicate dinner party will be our goal, we'll have an excuse to get close."

Daisy smiled, slipping her smaller hand into Taehyung's larger one as they shook on the deal, 

"We're crashing this stupid party." 


{Author Note}

For any of you guys with your own fan fictions, make sure to go check out my awards competition btsshadowawards !

For any of you guys with your own fan fictions, make sure to go check out my awards competition btsshadowawards !

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