twenty nine

6.6K 406 261

{double agent}

With two bags of groceries held tightly in his grasp, Taehyung pushed open the front door to the apartment. The warm air that escaped the house into the wintry chill behind him was infused with the aroma of freshly baked muffins and Taehyung could already feel his mouth begin to water. Without taking the time to lay his shoes neatly by the door, his socked feet found their way into the kitchen as the front door closed behind him. 

Taehyung let out a grunt as he lifted the grocery bags, placing them against the kitchen counter. He couldn't help but rub at his back, his sore muscles a result of sleeping on the lounge for an entire week. Jungkook offered for him to take the bed, but Taehyung couldn't help but feel like an intruder in Jungkook's life. The younger was trying so hard for a life of normality that Taehyung felt slightly out of place by staying here. So he decided to do the groceries every now and then to make up for it whilst Jungkook went out and worked his part-time job at the local cafe. 

Letting out a sigh, Taehyung turned to the bench behind him, smiling at the sight. Muffins covered the cooling racks, golden domes perfectly cracked down the centre. Bringing a hand forwards, each one was still warm to the touch, so obviously Jungkook had just taken them out of the oven not too long ago. 

Taehyung took one into his hand, his fingers spreading around it. His eyes never left it as he brought his other hand to tear off a piece, allowing for some steam to rise upwards. Taehyung threw the piece into his mouth, humming as it melted on his tongue. 

Before he could break off another piece there was the sound of a buzz from the bench beside him and he jumped, a frown painted on his face so fast; a message from Hoseok.

It wasn't his phone, it was Jungkook's. He could tell from the plain black case it sat in and the small dents on the screen. Taehyung placed down his half finished muffin, wiping at his lips before clearing his throat, "Jungkook!" he called, perching himself against the kitchen counter, "Your phone!"

Taehyung didn't have to wait very long until the sound of shuffling came from down the small hallway, and Jungkook emerged into the kitchen. His hair was a tousled mess, poking in all different directions. With tired eyes, he let out a yawn, running a hand through his locks in an attempt to tame them. He didn't even make eye contact with Taehyung as he moved past the male to reach for his phone, the screen lighting up his face, "A message from Hoseok?"

"Lets read it." Taehyung said, poking is head out from behind Jungkook as he leant over the male's shoulder. 

Swiping on the message, Jungkook opened up his phone, the screen reflecting in his eyes as they grew wide, "We finally have a plan." he muttered

Taehyung let out a cough, "Seriously? Already!?"

Jungkook nodded, "By the looks of it."

Taehyung leaned forwards, eyes squinting as he read the words on the screen, "This ain't bad actually... what do you think?" he asked, turning his attention to Jungkook

"Not bad at all..." he spoke softly, eyes still glued to the screen, "I think we actually might have a chance now."

Taehyung's eyes flickered between the message and Jungkook, "But are you okay with this?" he sighed, ruffling his blue hair, "After all, you're the one who's going to have all the attention. You wanted so badly to escape this life, and now you're being thrown back into it-"

"-It's one day... just one day and I can get the revenge i've been waiting for." he sighed.

Taehyung scoffed, "I guess you, Hoseok, and Daisy all want revenge."

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