forty four

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Cradling himself on the edge of the rooftop the beauty of the sunset only intensified Yoongi's pain. The defiant sky adorned itself with brilliant reds and oranges, clothing itself in splendour. He glared at the mocking swirls of colour, the whites of his eyes slightly redder by staring far too long at the scenery. 

Yoongi wasn't sure how long he sat there, fighting back the chatter of his teeth as he hugged himself. It was still slightly raining, what started out as a storm earlier had turned into a steady pitter patter as the clouds began to clear and make way for the sunset. 

The liquid was still cold though and it rolled quickly off his pale skin, being replaced by the next drop. It sounded quiet and it didn't feel the same as it usually did. Yoongi felt cold and empty as he stared at the sunset, and even though it shined down over his skin it just didn't feel warm like it always did. 

It felt warm with Jimin...

Letting out a sigh, Yoongi closed his eyes, letting the rain roll down his face as he imagined the sound of his father's booming voice. 

He recalled how his body jarred with each blow, how the pain seared through his skin and took away every feeling of safety he ever had. Yoongi's father put his all into each strike. His sinewy arm would recoil and snap back to his body, the impact delivered almost by an object more so then his own hand. 

Maybe Yoongi first shed tears, he couldn't really recall, but soon crying wasn't allowed. If he buckled his father would tell him to stop, or he'd give Yoongi something else to cry about. 

Emotions were dangerous... so Yoongi hid them all away. 

Still letting the rain wash over his face, Yoongi couldn't help but let out a sigh as he recalled the night that changed everything. 

The night he snapped. 

Sick of the treatment, Yoongi managed to grab his father's gun from the safe under the bed... shooting that man right between the eyes without second thought. Out of rage his mother who only belittled him was next to take a shot. 

Yoongi kept telling himself the bullet did it. The bullet killed them. But his brain knew that he pulled the trigger. It had been years since then, but the memories had never left him. There were days his head just wouldn't work. Yoongi would try so hard to focus and it was almost like trying to run through water. His brain would fog up and thoughts would go nowhere at all. Then there were times of clarity, sudden moments were he could see every detail, and feel every feeling. The trigger could be anything... more often fighting then not. He was surprised he could still pick up a gun.

Wrapping his arms around his legs, Yoongi cradled himself even tighter, eyes cast to the setting sun. Slowly the rain was beginning to clear up, but the atmosphere still remained grey and colourless. 

He stayed like that for a little longer, watching as the sun brushed over the horizon before he decided that enough was enough, he probably had to go face Jimin. So letting out a breath, Yoongi slipped his hand into the pocket of his hoodie, feeling around until a frown painted itself across his features. Yes, he managed to find his phone, but he came to the realisation that he'd left the parlour in such a hurry that he'd forgotten to arm himself with at least a knife before he left. 

Letting out a groan, Yoongi ran a hand through his soaking wet hair, "I'll just head back now." he muttered to no one but himself, careful not to fall off the side of the building as he slowly got back to his feet. 

Drawing in a breath, Yoongi turned on his feet, ready to head back to the parlour... but he found his eyes shooting horrifyingly wide when a hand shot out from the corner of his vision. 

It was fast, and Yoongi had let his guard down so much so to the point where he wasn't able to even take a step back as a man's hand grabbed around his throat. The man's hold was tight, and Yoongi found himself struggling to take in a breath as he tried to claw the hand away from his throat. 

Noticing Yoongi's struggle, the man slightly loosened his hold, allowing for Yoongi to draw in a pained breath. With the rain falling softly around them, they both looked deep into each other's eyes, Yoongi's body growing stiff once the man finally opened his mouth to speak, "Min Yoongi, the tattoo artist, correct?"

Yoongi felt his stomach twist as the man took a step forwards, resulting in Yoongi being pushed back to almost the edge of the building. He couldn't help but let his eyes flicker down to the sight below as his heels sat close to the edge of the concrete. But Yoongi was no stranger to daring heights, so gritting his teeth, Yoongi narrowed his sharp feline eyes as he turned back to the man who stood before him, "And what the fuck about it?" he spat, earning a scoff from the male. 

Yoongi let out a hiss as the man tightened his grip against Yoongi's throat, lifting his other arm to reveal his tattooed skin. Narrowing his eyes, Yoongi couldn't help but drop his confidence once his gaze roamed over the familiar symbol of a snake surrounded by blood coloured roses. 

The man seemed to notice the way Yoongi's expression morphed into one of pure fear. So plastering a devilish smirk over his lips, the man spoke up once more, "You're smart aren't you?" he coaxed, licking his lips as he leaned forwards. Yoongi shivered when he felt the breath of the man against his ear, "Then you should know that covering up our gang's tattoo is a great offence." The man leaned back, watching Yoongi's face contort in pain as he tightened his hold, "Especially the symbol of the main family."

Oh... Yoongi fucked up... he knew what he was getting into the moment he covered up Jungkook's tattoo but he really didn't think the Jeons would come after him this fast. He really couldn't help it though. 

He remembered the day he met Jungkook. Watching as the stupid boy almost stabbed a shard of glass right through his tattoo. The other members of Bangtan saw rage, but Yoongi was the only one to see pain... 

Those eyes so void reminded him of himself, how he, also a murder, wanted so badly to erase the past. So Yoongi knew right from the start that Jungkook would stop at nothing to cover up his family's symbol. 

Jimin was originally going to do it... but Yoongi knew how much danger that could put him in, so instead he filled up Jimin's schedule to the point where Yoongi was the only one who could do it. 

He felt like he had to do it. 

Yoongi was pulled back into the present moment as he felt himself grow breathless, the man in front of him staring him down with murderous intent. "I guess Jungkook would've told you all about our ways of dealing with people... we're not so forgiving."

Yoongi's expression fell dark, "No shit."

The man bit back his tongue, grinding his teeth together before shoving Yoongi back another step, "You're not taking this seriously." He tightened his grip, expression faltering before a smirk spread over his lips, "Maybe this'll teach you." 

Yoongi's eyes grew wide as the man began to shove him backwards, his feet being forced back towards the edge of the building. His hands became clammy as he began to try and pry the man's hands off of him, a look of pure desperation now painted across his face, "No...please stop-" Yoongi's eyes looked back as the edge of the building approached. His hands were now shaking uncontrollably, his legs weak as he felt his heels drag over the edge, 

He screamed, he screamed so loud as he fought with all his might, "PLEASE GET OFF ME!" He cried, but it was no match for the man's strength, "PLEASE!-"

And then, he felt the pressure around his neck diminish, his body weightless as the man gave one final push. 

And Yoongi was falling...

It was unbelievable almost, the sky swallowing him whole. His hand reached out, kissing the clouds, grasping the endless crevasse of grey. Everything was a blur, a blur that swirled out of existence. Suspended mid-air, he closed his eyes, 

And waited for the pain. 

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