twenty four

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{the partners}

"Jungkook and Taehyung made it back safely." Hoseok spoke up, his face illuminated by the light of his phone screen until he switched it off, slipping it back into the pocket of his jeans as he paid his attention to the task at hand. 

Currently Namjoon, Seokjin and Hoseok were all making their way down the back streets of the city. The sun had finally dipped below the horizon, making way for the darkness of the moonless night. So with caution, the group stayed close with Daisy up front leading the group with a single flashlight. 

The neon signs of the surrounding clubs glowed against the puddles of water that formed against the pavement, rippling with every drop of rain that fell against its surface. Water splashed at their feet as they made it further and further down the backstreets, eventually the last traces of light disappearing as Daisy led them down a ramp into an underground carpark. 

Hoseok slicked back his soaking wet hair, wiping the water away from his face as they finally made it out of the rain. Casting his eyes to where Daisy shone her torch, Hoseok could barely make out the scene. He almost became reluctant, but pushed forwards none the less. 

Beside him, Seokjin remained closely by Namjoon's side. It was unlike the leader to ever go anywhere without his right hand man, so if anything were to go wrong, neither Hoseok or Seokjin could do much good in protecting him. 

Daisy was quick to drag her feet to a stop, extending an arm to the side to prevent the rest of the group from walking any further. It was still too dark to see anything, so Hoseok found himself squinting as he watched Daisy cup her hands around her mouth, "I brought them!" she exclaimed, moving her flashlight around to the side, "They're unarmed, so don't fret!"

There was a moment of silence before the dark underground carpark was suddenly lit up by dazzling strings of light. Seokjin gawked as he followed the strings of lanterns hung overhead, whilst Namjoon and Hoseok found their eyes flickering from pole to pole as strings of fairy lights were switched on around each one. The light bathed against their skin and the carpark adopted a warm glow.

With their eyes still adjusting to the light, the group's vision momentarily wavered, blurred until everything was sharp once again. And that's when two new figures approached from behind the beams of the carpark, strutting their way over to Daisy's side. 

Daisy was quick to switch off her flashlight, slipping it into the belt hidden underneath her jacket. Her curly hair had flattened out in the rain, so she was quick to take a step back to squeeze out the water. 

This left Bangtan to face the two new people making their way towards them. 

Their attention was first grabbed by the girl on their right. She was noticeably taller than Daisy, a lot more tanned as well. Her striking pastel purple hair fell softly against her shoulders, falling into gentle waves at the end. She stood confidently, one hip jutted to the side as she came to a stop in front of the three men, "Zyla." she said, extending a hand with a tight lipped smile. 

Whilst Hoseok and Seokjin showed signs of hesitation, Namjoon was quick to firmly take the girl's hand into his own, giving it a firm shake, "Namjoon."

Walking up behind Zyla, the second girl approached. And whilst Namjoon and Seokjin thought nothing of it, Hoseok's heart was quick to skip a beat. It was her, Hoseok couldn't mistake her for anyone else. Her perfectly curled blonde hair tucked loosely behind her ear, her hourglass figure and graceful stride... it was-

"Sofia." The girl chirped, also extending a hand. 

Hoseok froze, letting out a flat laugh, "You're that chick who drugged Taehyung." he spoke, causing the girl to flinch as his expression turned dark. "You're Summer."

From beside him, Namjoon and Seokjin's eyes grew wide. 

The girl was quick to extend her hands out in front of her, shying away as she turned her gaze elsewhere, "I know, I know, I know... and I'm so incredibly sorry." she spoke sincerely, dropping her arms back to her side as she let out a sigh. 

Hoseok on the other hand crossed his arms firmly over his chest, taking a step forwards towards the girl who was slowly shrinking away, "You better have a good explanation for this." He spoke through gritted teeth, leaning in towards her, "Speak."

Also listening into the conversation, Zyla was quick to nudge Sofia on the shoulder, giving her a nod of reassurance. Sofia drew in a breath, "Like you... we've been looking into the reason why the Jeons are in town." She began to explain, feeling overwhelmed by the death stares she was currently receiving from Bangtan. So she paused to take another breath before she continued, "Unlike you lot, we've been tracking them for a lot longer, so a few weeks ago we had already found out that they were getting other gangs in the area to do their work for them." 

Raising a brow, Hoseok took a step back, "So the Jeons hired other gangs?"

"Yes." She confirmed, raising her eyes to meet with Hoseok's, "I'm District Unknown's spy, it's my specialty to infiltrate other gangs and the gang I was infiltrating happened to be recruited by the Jeons."

Namjoon's lips parted, "No wonder you guys already know whats going on."

Sofia nod, "I was able to take a lot of information into my own hands, and then... the party came along." she huffed, "It was a party to exchange information about the Jeons."

Running a hand through his wet hair, Hoseok frowned, "Then why bring Taehyung?"

"That's the thing... we were trying to get you guys in the loop without revealing our own identities." She pinched the bridge of her nose as she let out a troublesome sigh, "I was hoping Taehyung could pick up some information so that you guys could figure everything out yourselves. But the plan went bust when Taehyung fell into the wrong place." she paused before she continued to explain, "Taehyung was spotted in the hallway, and not by me... I simply had to drag him out to avoid looking suspicious."

"How would you look suspicious?" Seokjin scoffed

Sofia rolled her eyes, "He's my date, they would immediately suspect me which would ruin my plans, your plans, just- I don't know, everything!" she ranted, motioning with her hands as she spoke, "I was hooked into the mic system, and I heard people from the gang growing suspicious." She placed a hand against her face as she shook her head, "Look, I'm really sorry for what I did. But I had to get Taehyung out whilst still looking like I wasn't a spy." she dropped her hand back down to her side, "Just face it, you would've never pulled Taehyung from the mission unless something bad happened to him, so I thought of the best thing I could think of."

Bangtan went silent, simply blinking as they processed Sofia's words. The girl was right. Hoseok wasn't the kinda guy to ever pull someone out of a mission unless the situation was dire, and Sofia on the other hand couldn't risk exposing herself in the middle of her own important mission. It's not like she could've shot him or physically hurt him, she simply did the first thing that came to mind... something that Taehyung would also be consciously aware of. And it worked. 

Hoseok dropped his defensive stance, "I have to admit, I did remember feeling a tad suspicious when Taehyung was able to leave the party so easily." he confessed, letting out a breath, "He slipped past you and a security guard whilst basically loosing his mind."

"Because I did everything in my power to make sure he could leave without being caught." she said.

There was a pause, a moment where Hoseok's stern expression fell soft, and a small smile made its way to his lips, "Thanks... well, kinda." he chuckled, not sure how he should respond to the situation. 

Sofia simply chuckled, slipping her hand into Hoseok's as she shook it firmly, 

"Lets just forget about it."


{Author Note}

!!!! Double update !!!!!

Next chapter out now!

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