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Tiny bubbles of air sparkled inside Taehyung's glass, his fingers wrapped around the handle as he swished around the rose coloured wine. It was probably the most interesting thing to do at this party whilst others simply stood around in small groups chattering away. 

Standing idly beside one of the many different buffet tables, Taehyung cast his eyes to the hall. It was grand to say the least. Tables took up most of the vast space, left with tablecloths and daring guests to ruin the perfectly polished shine of the cutlery and wine glasses with their fingerprints. 

At the sides of the room were floor to ceiling french doors, left slightly ajar, but still guarded by built men none-the-less. Taehyung knew if he were to scope out the area or find any information he would have to find the right people or wait for the right moment. 

Fixing up his suit tie, Taehyung let out a small huff of annoyance as a familiar blonde female strut his way, hips moving side to side as her heels clicked along the polished marble floor. Her hair was once again lightly curled as it fell softly over her shoulders, dress tight fitting against her slender form. 

"Taehyung!" she chirped happily, finally locating the male in the crowd. 

Quick to bring a fake smile to his lips, Taehyung straightened up his posture, "Summer." he greeted her, bringing his glass of champagne to his lips as he downed the rose coloured liquid in one shot. 

Tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear, Summer pursed her lips, "Sorry for leaving you on your own for so long..." she apologised, eyes locking with Taehyung's as she moved in closer. 

Taehyung turned his head a little, "Don't worry about it." he paused, drawing in a deep breath of air as he channeled out his displeasure, "I can get by just fine." he winked, turning to the side momentarily as he placed down his empty wine glass on a waiter tray passing by. 

Summer gave a nod of approval, "Good, because I've got a couple more guests to greet." she explained, eyes momentarily flickering over to the small group of people approaching her. Quickly, she patted down her fitted dress, straightening herself up as she plastered a smile across her face. "If you'll excuse me for one more moment, I'll meet you back at our table soon, okay?"

Taehyung gave a tight lipped smile, "Sure."

And just like that, Summer waved him off, quickly strutting her way over to the next group of guests. Frowning, Taehyung had his suspicions that this girl was related to the inner networkings of this group. From the way she was escorted out from the streets just the other day, to the way she danced from group to group greeting each and every person in the dinning hall. 

Taehyung turned to head back over to the buffet but flinched at the sound of crackling through his earpiece. After subtly placing a hand against his ear, the crackling subsided and Hoseok's voice rang through the other end of the line,"Tae, now's your chance." Hoseok communicated, watching through the camera planted on Taehyung's suit, "There's two men heading out past the dinning hall doors, the guards have moved aside for the time being." he announced. 

Taehyung dropped his hand back to his side, eyes narrowing in determination as he spotted the now unguarded door. "Got it." he replied, taking long steps in his powerful stride as he wasted no time in making his way towards the doors. 

A voice emerged through the earpiece once again, "Jungkook's sitting with me in the van." Hoseok began, pausing before he continued, "He had a quick look at the monitors whilst you were roaming around earlier... he says he recognises a couple of people from a local gang, but most people are unknown."

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