forty nine

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{set back}

Yoongi's every muscle went on pause as he froze in place, eyes staring blankly at Namjoon. His breath fell short and he tried to speak, but no matter how perfectly he worded it all in his head, not a single word slipped past his lips. 

He had to say it though, "They said I might-" He paused, mouth opening and closing but he still couldn't bring himself to form a proper sentence. He let out a grunt, running a weak hand stressfully through his hair, "Fuck." He cursed under his breath. 

Waiting patiently, Jimin and Namjoon stood either side of the bed, their nerves slowly leading them into almost jittery states as they registered the seriousness in Yoongi's tone of voice. The beeping of the machines was loud, the ticking of the clock louder as they watched Yoongi's shoulders slump, his back hitting against the headboard of the bed before he stared dejectedly up at the ceiling. 

He let out a tired sigh, "They said I've suffered an incomplete spinal injury..." 

Face stuck in an incredulous expression, Namjoon's eyes went wide in an unblinking stare. His mind was sent reeling, unable to comprehend or process the words that had just left Yoongi's lips. He never expected something like this from one of his best men, and it seemed Jimin was just as much in shock, brain desperately scrambling to make sense of it all. 

Yoongi kept his gaze glued to the ceiling, refusing to meet with their eyes, "My spine's okay for the most part, but I suffered bruising that resulted in some possible short-term paralysis." He paused, drawing in a breath before he spoke once again, "Well... possible long term." He said with reluctancy, hearing Namjoon let out a curse. 

Pursing his lips, Yoongi held back his emotions as he brought his gaze back down, sitting up properly in the hospital bed as he rose an arm out in front of him, "My arms feel weak... but they said the feeling should return with therapy."

From beside him, Jimin couldn't help but take Yoongi's trembling hand into his own, rendered speechless as he began to slowly play with Yoongi's fingers. He noticed how weak his hold was, how much his arm shook when he held it, almost like he was carrying weights. 

Yoongi gritted his teeth, "As for my legs..." he paused, biting against the inside of his cheek until he accidentally drew blood, the metallic taste sliding across his tongue before he drew in a breath, "God dammit-" He held Jimin's hand tighter, feeling slightly reassured before he finally spoke, "They're not good... and with that and my spinal chord injury combined, the doctors have said I have a slim chance of walking without support again." 

Namjoon was almost unable to speak, holding himself in a stiff mannequin pose, "How much of a chance?" he asked, watching as Yoongi's head rocked back and his eyes drifted to the roof once again. 

Yoongi bit down against his lower lip, taking in steady breaths as he tried to keep his nerves under control, "Roughly a fifty percent chance..."

Clutching both hands behind his head, Namjoon turned his body away, "Shit-"

He could tell. Yoongi could tell that Namjoon was trying his gosh darn best to hide his disappointment. In one short day, everything had gone down the drain, and Namjoon would be the one to feel it the most. There was nothing Yoongi could do but pray and hope a miracle occurred... but things weren't looking that bright. 

"I'm sorry guys," Yoongi mumbled, just loud enough for both Jimin and Namjoon to hear, "but it looks like I can't help you anymore."


Dragging his feet from the living room into the kitchen, Jungkook let out a yawn, stretching his arms high above his head as he moved his aching body. The sun shone through the cracks of the sheer curtains, warming him in the slightest as he took a seat at the counter, resting his elbows against the bench. 

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