sixty four

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{burn it}

Jimin's senses were sharpened with adrenaline, the male holding his breath as a single gunshot echoed through the halls. The silence returned far more thickly than it was before the shot, as if everything around him was collectively holding its breath. 

The cool air whispered through the small ventilation system but Jimin began to sweat.
Was that shot fired from Bangtan?
Or was it maybe the Jeons?

He didn't know, and he didn't have enough time to gather his thoughts as Yoongi's voice sounded through the phone, "Jimin what the fuck was that!?-"

"-I don't know..." He swallowed thickly, straining his ears as he sat beside the door, "I just wanna get out of here."

"Don't stress."  Yoongi spoke, the male's voice slightly wavering through the phone, "Taehyung should be there any second now-"

Jimin's head snapped in the direction of the door as he heard the sound of people rushing down the hall. They were fast approaching, he could hear their footsteps, almost as loud as his own heart. So bracing himself, Jimin placed his phone aside on the ground, taking caution to slip out his twin pair of knifes as he twirled them into his grasp. 

His narrowed eyes focused on the door as the footsteps stopped outside, shadows casted from the light that cracked through. The door handle jittered a couple of times before Jimin heard muffled voices, followed by another deafening gunshot. 

Flinching back, Jimin now rose to his feet, extending his knifes in front of him as he prepared himself for battle. But his stance softened, arms dropping flatly to his side as the door creaked open revealing a worried Taehyung followed by both Daisy and Sofia. 


"Thank god you're okay!" Taehyung exclaimed, slamming open the door before dashing to Jimin's side. He took a firm hold of the male's shoulders, eyes growing wide, "You're freezing!"

Rolling his eyes, Jimin slipped his twin pair of blades away, "Trust me Tae, I'm fine-"

"At least take this." The male uttered, removing his beige coat and draping it over Jimin's shoulders. 

Jimin frowned, "Not necessary but-"

"How about a 'Thank you Taehyung... you're my hero~'" Taehyung spoke sarcastically, batting his eyelashes before earning a playful slap on the shoulder from Jimin. 

Interrupting the bright mood, Sofia stood with her hands firmly against the door frame. Her expression was one of both fear and worry as she cocked her head in the direction down the hall, "Sorry to butt-in, but that gunshot was close... we need to check it out."

Taehyung pursed his lips, drawing in a lengthy breath of air before making his way back towards the door, "I'll go, Sofia and Daisy... stay with Jimin."

"No." Daisy interrupted, biting down against her lower lip as a strand of hair fell over her shoulder, "I have a bad feeling about this," She looked Taehyung dead in the eyes, "I'm going with you."

There was a moment of hesitation from the male before a sigh escaped his lips, "Fine." He uttered, making his way out the door, "But stay close."

With the smallest of smiles, Daisy made her way up to Taehyung, heels echoing against the concrete floor as the both of them rounded the corner and entered the hall. It was dark, the lights overhead dim and flickering. The walls were narrow and both Taehyung and Daisy couldn't suppress their growing senses of worry as they made their way to the source of the gunshot. 

Out of caution Daisy looked over her shoulder a couple of times whilst Taehyung picked up the pace, heading straight towards the room that spilled with light. He could tell the door was open, muffled voices coming from inside until the unexpected happened. 

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