fifty four

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It was raining again, the gentle tapping of raindrops against the window soothing to Yoongi's ears. Above the sky was dominated by tumbling greys, smokey and silver snuffing out the morning sunlight. Yoongi found himself rubbing his knuckles against his eyes as he let out a yawn, he had taken his sketchpad into his lap and plopped himself down on the couch right underneath the window. 
Seeing the drops trickle down brought a sense of calmness within him, a moment of peace as he let out a breath, bringing his pen to his sketchpad as he began to draw the rain-washed city streets. 

After a high strung night, Yoongi found himself quietly relaxing in the hotel room. He could still hear the soft breaths of Jimin coming from the bed, the male bundled up in a mound of blankets and pillows as he slept soundly for the first time in weeks. Yoongi's eyes would flicker over to the male every so often, the smallest of smiles working its way across his features as he studied the way Jimin's mess of orange hair sprawled over the pillows. 

He didn't dare to wake him earlier, using nearby furniture as support to make his way over to the couch. It wasn't that he couldn't walk... because he kinda could, it was just that his legs felt numb and weak, it would take a lot of time before he would even be able to walk normally again. Yet alone run... or do parkour. 

Heaving a sigh, Yoongi brought his pen back to his sketchpad, the lines of the black ink bold and thick against the white. He felt the boredom already beginning to creep in, but there was absolutely nothing he could do. The Jeons still thought he was dead, so until after the Banquet Yoongi had to remain in hiding. 

After a moment more of peace, Yoongi's ears perked up at the sound of the door opening up. 
He could feel his heart skip a beat as he slammed his pen down against his sketchpad, eyes darting to the source of the noise.
But then his expression softened, "Jungkook?"

The brunette was frozen at the door, damp hair falling messily over his eyes as water periodically dripped down and rolled over his heated skin. His clothing was soaked to the bone, clinging to his skin uncomfortably. 

Yoongi rose a brow, eyes trailing down until he noticed the plastic bag full of store goods in Jungkook's hand. 

"Oh, Yoongi... I didn't think anyone was gonna be awake yet so-"

"You look like a drowned rat."

Jungkook froze before an unamused expression painted itself across his face, "Why thank you, Taehyung took my only umbrella this morning."

Yoongi gave a shrug, "Sounds like him." he muttered, picking his pen back up as he began to sketch once again. 

Half of Yoongi was expecting Jungkook to swing by and then leave without another word, and the other half was silently hoping that Jungkook would actually stay. 
Lifting his gaze from his sketchpad he noticed Jungkook's awkward stance, the male fidgeting with the plastic bag in his hands. It seemed like Jungkook too wanted to talk it out, but so far not a word was escaping the male's lips. 

After a moment of drawn out silence, there was movement, Jungkook placing the plastic bag against the carpet before turning back towards the door, "So um... I can just leave this with you and i'll-" 

"There's a towel in the bathroom." Yoongi deadpanned, subtly rolling his eyes before meeting Jungkook's gaze, "You can stay until the rain lightens up."

Swallowing thickly, Jungkook closed the hotel door, slowly making his way over to the bathroom, "Sure." he murmured, voice coming out quiet but Yoongi managed to hear him none-the-less.

The younger male disappeared into the bathroom to quickly dry off his hair, and in the meantime Yoongi found himself loosing interest in his sketch, shutting the notepad before tossing it aside on the couch. He decided to make himself more comfortable, sinking himself into the lounge a little more as he grabbed the blanket at his feet. 
At least he could be comfortable remaining in sweatpants and an oversized hoodie all day... staying indoors didn't seem half-bad. 

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