Chapter 20

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Josie's POV:

I wake up with no arms around me. I turn around and see a an empty space. I go the closet and crab an adidas sweatpants and headed downstairs where I heard Deck screaming." YOU'RE INLOVE WITH MY GIRL?!"  I look at Dom and he comes my way" What's going on?" I ask him."Hobbs is in love with you" I walk over to Deck seeing him wanting to punch Hobbs. I stood infront of Deck blocking him." Don't do this." I look at him putting my hand on his fist. " Josie get out of way." He says not looking at me." No, I won't" He looks at me."What did you just say to me." Why does he have to this. " I said no." He pushes me against the wall hard. "EVERYONE GET OUT OF HERE NOW." He yells. Everyone left the and he turns his head to me. " He puts a strand of hair behind my ear stroking my cheek" know I don't like that word" He says a little bit sternly." I know... It was the only way to make you stop." I say pecking his lips to lighted the mood." He smirks and kisses me. I kiss him back.We pulled away" What made you wake up?" He ask. " You weren't there and it got cold" I say folding my arms around his neck."I'm sorry" He says smirking. Damn that smirk. " It's okay...I forgive you" I say kissing him. " I'm not in the mood for anything...let's watch Netflix" He nods and we walk hand in hand to our bedroom locking the door and I jump on the bed and Deck gets the controller switching in the Ps4. He goes into Netflix and plays the Originals. He lays next to me pulling me closer and putting the a blanket over us.

Halfway through the series Deck was asleep. I got out of his crop and unlocked the door and went to the kitchen. I got a mug out and made some coffee.
I went back to the room putting my coffee on the night stand cuddling with him. I change it to the Van Helsing and started watching season 2.

By episode 16. I went down and when I'm about to go into the living room I heard a nock on the door . I made my way to the door opening it and see someone I didn't think I would ever see again.

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