Chapter 24

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Josies pov:
Me and Deck  are going to have a fight.Why,because Daniel has this mission and someone stole something from him so in offer to get it back he needs to race.He asked me if I want to join.He said that we could team up.I said yes.The race is deadly and it's from the Yang gang.Im in the room and Deck walk in."You said...yes?!"He asked hissing.I look at him taking his hand in mine which he pulled away.I part my lips."Your going on that mission with her?"I asked razing  my eyebrows."Don't answer my question with another question."He gives me a death glare.That hurt tho"Yes I sad yes okay,and why you looking at me like that.?"I ask him just wanting to be in his arms."how could you,your not only putting your life in danger but my baby too."Did he just say my baby?"Our baby Deck our baby"Hurt and sadness is going though my body."No,it's like you don't want the baby,you said yes,your drinking and racing."He walks  over to me  and push me against the walls with his hands on the wall blocking me.Right that moment I feel a wet substance between my legs and water running down my legs."Shit Deckard my water just broke."I say trying to keep calm."Shit"He hiss.He pick me up grabbing his keys and in his way to the hospital.

Deckard's pov:
"I need help her water broke!"I scream,the directors dropped everything and took her from my arms and right there my heart broke she passed out."baby no"I whisper.I try to go with Josie but one doc told me to wait here.I called Dom telling him the news.
I wait with Dom and the family."Josie Marcell Toretto?"I and the family stand up.I walk to the doctor."How is she and the baby?"I ask worried"She's still asleep." We managed to get the baby out,It's a baby girl"I sight with relief tearing up."Can I see them both."I ask the doctor nods.I walk off seeing Dom walk up to the Doc as well as the rest of the fam.I ask one of the Docs here which way is Josie's room.I walk into room 34 and see my beautiful Queen sleeping peacefully.I walk towards taking her hand in mine.Tears falls."'m sorry I got mad at you..And we have a baby girl...yeah I said we...I love you" I kiss her in her lips which surprisingly were returned.It was a soft kiss.I pull away looking in her eyes.She looks into mine a bit sleepy.I hear a knock on the door I turn my head seeing a Doc waking in with a baby girl."Deckard Shaw here's your baby"He hands me the beautiful sleeping baby girl."Love what should we call her?"I ask."What about my moms name...Monique?"I nod"Monique Lola Shaw"She smiles and make grabbing hands.I lay the baby in her arms.She smiles and kisses the baby's head."She looks like you Deck."She says looking at me."She has your eyes love."
Josies asleep and Monique is asleep in the baby room.Im at the shop buying everything Monique will need.Clothes,baby bottles and so on."I see a cute bow with a hoodie and some balloons.I pay for it all and put it in the car.I lock the car and walked back into it and bought some furniture.I set up Monique's room which ain't hard and put some roses on the wall.

I set up Monique's room which ain't hard and put some roses on the wall

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Lastly I paint Monique's name on the wall by her crib.
I hear a cars  and know that it's Dom,My Queen and my princess.I close the door and walked downstairs and walked out taking Monique in my arms and kiss Josie.

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