Chapter 27

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Deckard's pov:
I feel something wet on my shoulder.I take a deep breath.Josie's crying.Shes sitting on my lap while we are driving."Josie,baby,my love,what's wrong?"I ask pulling the car to the side of the road.I put both of my arms around her."memories are coming back and the one that came back is when your dad raped me...when me and you just got together and-"she stops and backs away and looks at me."him being at our house...where Monique is...Deck you know what he does to kids even babies.........and Mia...oh lord"She adds and puts her hand in her hair and pull it something she does when she's stressing."Tell me now Deckard,where are we going and who are after me?"Josie why...why this question.I close my eyes.I take deep breaths.Seeing her crying breaks my heart and that question tears my soul into ten quarters."Josie..."This burns more than fire can burn you."The GHL gang"She part her lips."What!"She says loudly."Josie please don't be mad"She hugs me and for sure I hug her back."Keep on driving"She says and nuzzles her head into my neck.

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