Chapter 28

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Deck's pov:
Me and Josie are still driving she puts the USB in the radio and Emotions by Mariah Carey plays and she is dancing and singing.You should hear this girls voice.
Here comes that high note and Josie nails it.
"I like how it feels inside"she sings and dances.Josie is an incredible singer and the way she sings those high notes....just wonderful.
Yeah,you got me feeling emotions"She sings those impossible high notes.The song finishes and then Heartbreaker by Mariah Carey comes on and she sings and dances again.When she's sad,angry,or not feeling well the only thing that will make her in a good mood is Mariah Carey.Where we are going you might ask is to the airport to get Lee Hamilton  and drive all the way to San Francisco.
"So Deck where are we going we're driving for hours already?"She ask me."We are gong to the airport to pick someone up Josie"She nods and changes the song."I'm tired...gonna take a nap"She says and bents her neck on the window and closes her eyes.
Josie's pov:
The car comes to a halt and I wake up and see that we are at the airport and Deck kisses my head since my head is on his shoulder and gets out.
He walks up to a brown man with suitcases and a dog.They convers and they walk up to the car and they get in and and the mysterious man stats speaking to me."So this is Josie.."I nod "I'm Lee"He says and shove his hand out and I shook it giving him a small smile.Britain just like Deck.Deck starts the car and drives off.I hear my phone go off and I reach for it seeing it's Letty.I pick up."What's cracking"I say and I hear a chuckle from Letty."Nada...Niq is quiet and doing hows you?"She ask."I'm great....Been driving for...I don't know,a 1000 hours and guess what...still driving...Looks like Deck isn't tired of driving....His full of energy"I say and look over at Deck shaking his head."Where are you guys going and why?"She ask"You know Letty...That's 2 Million dollar questions that I would also want to know."I say."Hay can I put you on FaceTime"I ask her and she says yes and I press the video call button and my beautiful twin comes on screen."Ah now I can see you..."I say and she chuckles."Hey who's that guy behind you?"She ask."Oh uh this is Lee"I say and turn around nudging Lee and he looks up and looks at my phone surprised and then smiles."Hi I'm Letty"Letty introduces herself."I'm Lee Hamilton"He says and smiles."Hay Let is my and Decks room's door locked and if it isn't please make sure everything is in place just as we left it and please lock it and throw the key away...we have one by us"I say and she nods.I yawn and Letty rubs her eyes."Tired?"I ask abs she nods."Tired?"She ask and I nod."Talk later"I say and she waved and I wave back and hung up.I take the pillow beside me and put it against the window and lay on it and fell asleep.Am I still in the top 3 dangerous criminal list.?"Deck I'm I still number 1 on the danger list?"I ask and he nods.Okay.I fell back to sleep.

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