Chapter 23

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7 months  later
Deck's pov:
I looked down at her smiling.Shes beautiful and a badass.I quickly stood up looking at the beer bottle of last night and saw that it was non-alcohol.Thank god.I lay back down and put the bottle on the night stand.I cuddle to Jo.Leaving a kiss on her head.She cuddles up to me more and her grip on me is tight.She pulls the covers more over her shoulder.I smile at her.I have a mission coming up in 3 days and I don't want to leave her.Shes going to be mad when she hears it's about Margarita I just got her back.Shes my life.She yawns and I see tears coming out of her eyes."Are you okay love?" She nodded and lays her head on my chest.Shes too cute.People are afraid of her.Shes the top most wanted criminal on the planet.She beat me.Hell even the police scared of her. She rules the streets.I remember when she beat up a girl who are a champion in karate,kickboxing and wrestling.She's crazy I know.I hear my phone ring.Hobbs is calling.I picked it up."What do you want?"I ask Irritated "We have a visitor.I roll my eyes.Kissed my Girl on the on the lips which she returned and stand up."Fine I'm coming down." With that I hang up.I put on some Calvin Kleins,a pants and a shirt and walked out.I walked down stairs and two see people I didn't want to see.Josie's ex and my dad."What you doing here?" I ask Daniel, Josies ex."Where is Josie,I need to talk to her about a mission coming up." I sight."She's asl-"I was cut off by Josie."Daniel?" She ask.Looking down from the stairs with a robe on."Deck what is your father doing here?"I look up to her shrugging.She walks down the stairs towards me.I grab her waist pulling her closer.She miles and kisses me.I kiss back softly and we pulled away.

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