Chapter 22

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Deck's pov:
After saying goodbye to Margarita. I start calling Josie. I know she's mad and I don't want her to do something crazy. She always does something crazy when she's mad."Deckard"I sigh hearing her say my full name."Jo,where r u?" "Please come home." I'm on my way already" She says.I hear Brian's voice making me pissed off. "Okay,I'll see you soon,love you" "love you too".Shit I'm so mad right now.I hate Brian so much.I hear a car and walked out seeing Jo with shopping bags and a beer bottle in one of her her hands.Shes been drinking.I grab the bags once she reached me and kissed her and walked in.She followed me to the bedroom."Have you been drinking."I ask her."Deckard you kissed her made be upset".Shit I hurt her."You didn't have to drink." I hate it when she drinks and when she says my name full."I know"She says looking down."You know I hate it when you drink"."Deck don't be upset."I sigh."Come here"I say putting the bags down. walks over to and I grab her by the waist."Did he do anything to you like kissed you or something in that matter?".I ask nicely."He kissed me when I got into the car."I sigh and clenched my jaw."Did you kiss back?."She shook her no.I kissed her forehead and look into her eyes."I want you to stop the drinking."I say pecking her lips."And I want you to stop kissing other girls"I nodded. I took her hand in mine.Taking her ring out of my pocket with my other hand and slipped on her finger."Be my fiancé again...I love you Josie...I want to marry you"She smiles and kisses me with passion.I rip her shirt off, she did the same with mine.I picked her up and slowly lay her down on the bed and kissed her passionately.Damn I miss this.

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