Chapter 25

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Josie's pov:
I pick up Monique carrying her.She definitely looks like Deck.I smile and give her a bottle full of milk.She puts her tiny hands on the bottle."Josie?"I hear Deck's voice."In the kitchen.First floor."We have two kitchens in the house with a small snack place in the theater and in the living room.I hear footsteps and see Deck.He walk over to me and kisses my lips and gives Monique a kiss on the head.She smiles."She's so beautiful"I smile"Yes she is."I look up to him meeting his eyes.He wraps his arms wound my waist."My two beautiful girls.I don't deserve you two...And I love you both so much." I relax in his embrace."Aww.Love you too.Niq you love papi?"She smiles and Deck kisses my head."Now see that's realistic stuff.A family."I hear Tej explaining to Roman about realistic stuff."I never thought my brother would get a girl not just any Josie Toretto fall in love with him and get her pregnant and purpose"I hear Owen."It took awhile for her to fall in love...She's a tough one to get but I'm happy that's she's with me...The mother of my daughter and soon to be wife"It touched my heart.He can be super sweet."Aww you can be so sweet"I made a pouty face looking at Deck.He smiles and kiss me softly.

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