My first day on a damned town

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September 15th, 2096

Anthea's Pov

I took a deep breath, with my eyes still closed, and mentally counted to twenty; just as my psychologist says. It never really helps, but at least I can say I tried. In the back of my mind I could still hear the annoying noise of what my parents like to call "relaxing music", supposedly it should prevent me from feeling anger and rage at seven in the morning... but it never does.

I felt as my body had a mind of its own; first, my hand took the alarm clock, then all I heard was a crush and finally silence. I was filled with a wave of pure satisfaction and pleasure. Destroying what doesn't follow the rules of my world has always made me feel this way. But of course, I was trained, brain washed to feel ashamed for feeling and acting this way.

Took a deep breath yet again but this time I opened my eyes. I woke up to the sight of my bedroom, a perfectly organised room, without any imperfections, except for the recently smushed alarm clock, of the purest white you could only imagine. All lit by the light coming through the glass window oposite to my bed.

Got out of bed, and cleaned the mess I made, thinking what my parents would yell to me tonight when I tell them what happened again. I went to the bathroom and took a long hot shower, trying to keep my mind busy reviewing what I would have to do on the day.

After getting dressed I started applying some makeup, not much but a little mascara and nude lipstick never killed anyone, when I was finished I stared at myself in the mirror. I'm a very tall girl, with curves in the right places, but athletic nonetheless, short brown hair and big brown eyes. Just like my name, my body was also inspired in what Greeks usted to believe, in this particular case, what beauty was like, and being completely honest, I love it. Mostly because I hate the stereotypical beauty concept of this century: tall but not very tall blonde, blue eyed girl with more boobs than brains, yeah.. no, thank you.

My parents and I moved to forks two days ago, and not only was I starting the school year in a new high school when it has already started, but I was doing so in a town where everyone knew everyone. My parents, being the lawyers both of them were, started working the moment we put a foot in this damned town, they told me I was not alone in my suffering, it seemed to be that a family had arrived a week before us, they told me their last name but I seem to have forgotten.

I looked at the time on my cell phone, and realized that I was about to be late, rapidly I took my car keys and drove to high school.

Let's just hope no one gets on my nerves the first day I'm here.

Renesmee's Pov

My parent, uncles, Jake and I were all standing in the parking lot, talking to each other, trying to delay the inevitable: Entering the school building and being once again the talk of everyone, not that we aren't the talk outside of the building, but at least, out here as there is a little breeze we are not being tempted to kill everyone.
"It seems like there's going to be another new student today" -my dad said - " Was expelled from his last school"
"A trouble maker you say? - Uncle Emmett got into the conversation- "This is going to be a fun year after all" from the corner of my eye, I cloud see Jake was rolling his eyes
"Alice, have you seen anything?" - dad asked- I notice he was worried, I wonder why. He looked at me
"I'm not worried" - He told me-
"Stop reading my mind" -I warned him-
"Not for now, maybe when we met him I'll see something" - Aunt Alice tried to calm us down-
"It's going to be late, we should get to our classes" - my mom, who has been weirdly thoughtful since we arrived to Forks, told us-

I look at my wrist watch and noticed it was true, the classes started in less than five minutes, and we had to get to them in human speed.
We all complained but started walking anyway.
As soon as I was making my third step, the entire school heard a really loud engine sound. My family was used to this type of noise since we all like sports cars. But the rest of the people that were in here, were not.
A beautiful white convertible appeared in the parking lot, as soon as it was closer I noticed it was an Audi R8.
"It looks like we have a guy with good taste" - Emmett joked-
But just when he was to open his mouth again, from the car emerged a beautiful girl, in tight black jeans, a red silk and lace bodysuit and a leather jacket.
"You mean the trouble maker it's a girl?" - Emmett was shocked-
In that moment Rosalie hit Emmett in the head and Jake, who was beside me laughed.
"You were right" - Jake added - " This IS going to be a fun year after all, come on, let's go." - He took my hand into his and as we started walking, he turn around and said "I can't wait to meet her"
Last thing I heard before entering school was my father growling.


Hello! I'm Pía and this is the first story I actually managed to get the courage to upload. I'm from Uruguay, so English is not my mother language and because of that, I'm deeply sorry if I made some mistakes when writing, but I'm taking this opportunity to practice for my English exam! So, if you find any mistakes, feel free to correct me!
I really hope you like this story!  And I'll be trying to upload at least once a week.

Kisses !

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