An Almost Good Day

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Anthea's Pov

As I was parking my car, I noticed I had forgotten to grab something to write, how am I supposed to write through the day? I asked myself, I guess I could see this as an opportunity to know some new people and ask them if they can lend me a pencil or something like that.

I took my backpack and started walking to the entrance of the school, ignoring all of the  glances I was receiving, I could heard one guy saying  " I can't wait to meet her" I looked where I thought I heard that and saw a huge tanned guy, that resembled a wall graving a small thin girl by the hand, the girl looked like a perfect fairy due to her stunning bronce hair and pale skin. Both of them were laughing and looking at some other guys so I guess they were joking around. At least they didn't say something bad, it sounded more like a invitation more then anything, I took a deep breath a tried not to listen to the comments people were saying anymore.

But just as I was beginning to think this could actually be a good day, I heard it:

"Hey! I liked your car girl" - Said a guy who looked like the typical quarterback who couldn't add two plus two
"I bet she is a good rider then" - Said one of his friends in a perverted way-
" I don't know you guys, but I love that ass" - Said the quarterback again-

That was it, I stoped walking, turned around and went straight to where they were.

"Here she is!" - Said one of the other idiots- "How are you? Pussycat" - The quarterback said with a smirk on his face-
I smiled, not any smile, one that I knew send shivers through the spine to anyone that received it. I could see how now they weren't so confident, how his friends were looking at each other but this guy, he still had the smirk up.

"Hey guys, I just wanted to tell you something" - I said calmly, since I was little I had discovered that I knew how to make someone nervous and screaming isn't the way of doing it, I took a step closer to them - " If you keep talking to me like that and if you ever even look at me again, I promise you that I will erase your stupid little smirk off your face" - I ended with the same smile "Bye"

By the time we had finished our little conversation, there was no one left in the parking lot, just the idiots and me.

As I was going to start walking again, the quarterback said "Who does this bitch think she is? , I guess she likes it rough " He hadn't finished pronouncing the last word when my fist went directly to his nose, I felt and heard a "Crack" inside of him and then a warm liquid came out of it, staining my hand red, the punch was so strong that he even fell to the floor grabbing his nose.
"What have you done!" - he yell
All his friends were paralysed, they couldn't believe what their eyes were seeing. I kneeled to the floor and grabbed his hair hard enough so he was looking at me, and to take out some of his hair too.

"No one is going to hear this from any of us, you were practicing when you broke your nose, you will go directly to the high school infirmary and never ever talk to me again, or a broken nose isn't going to be the worst of your problems, are we clear? - I asked as I was finished-

He nodded and I let go of his hair

"That goes for every single one of you" - I said as i started walking, finally entering the building.

I walked around, a little lost, till I found the secretary of the school and asked for my itinerary, after that I rushed to the classroom for my first lesson: Advanced Physics

I knocked on the door, and when a heard a come in, I entered

" Excuse me for being late, I'm new and didn't really know my way around here" - I said trying to sound as sweet as possible-
The professor, a bald fat man that seemed to be in his 50's, looked me up and down and said while laughing a little "Design it's the next door"

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