Someone to fuck with

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Anthea's Pov

Caius's back was no longer in sight; I let out the sigh I was containing, for the first time in hours I felt like my heart wasn't going to explode inside of my chest. I tried to follow him but I wasn't able to make my feet respond my commanding.

I stood there for what felt like an eternity, just looking at my surroundings, seeing the corridor that the group of tourist and I had walked what now seems an eternity ago, and I was the only survivor. I could still hear the rest of them, screaming for their lives. I didn't care about them, but god they were annoying.

A sudden movement around me made me get out of my mind.

I was expecting to see Caius's angry face, but I was not so pleasantly surprised when I found myself surrounded by four black coats. Three of them I could recognize, the blonde girl that I had made scream, Jane, the brunette boy that seemed to be related to her and the ginger one that I knew was called Demetri, the only one I didn't know anything about was the one who seemed to be proof that we descended from the monkeys by the way he looked as big as a gorilla.

"What do we have here?" – Said the red haired one, as he was walking slowly around me with an arrogant tone- "You know, for someone who managed to escape me you don't seem that interesting to me"

Now, I know that they could easily kill me, especially the enormous one, but something inside me knew they weren't allowed to, and god knows I was going to use that.

"Stop moving and I'll show you how – I made a pause- interesting I can be" – I finished with a smirk on my lips, his arrogance was no longer in sight- "Little blonde over there, can tell you"

Once again I felt some movement around me, and the next thing I know, the brunette one is containing Jane, stopping her on her way to kill me.

So I was right, I can't be killed, at least for now. Interesting

"Well –I said looking straight to Demetri's eyes- as nobody wants a demonstration, can any of you show me the way to Caius?"

"We're not guides for a stupid little human like you" – The enormous one talked for the first time-

The other three devilishly smiled with his statement.

"I was truly hoping one of you would say something like that- I said with a smile which reminded them of Caius's malicious ones- "In that case..."

And with all the energy I had left in my body, I focused on the four of them, not even blinking for half a second, thinking of the pain I wanted them to feel, like they were being burned alive, like their insides were being pulled to the outside by my bare hands, the worst pain that you would ever feel or even imagine in your life. I wanted them to know I'm not someone you want to fuck with. And just like that the four of them screamed falling on their knees, writhing like the worms that they truly are. I wasn't going to stop this time.

But as if he knew what I was thinking and that was his clue to make his presence known, Caius appeared out of nowhere.

I stopped with the screaming just to be able to hear him.

"I was wondering what made you take so long" – He said with an expression I couldn't decipher-

"We were just talking" – I said – "Right guys?"

When no one answered I made them scream again

"YES, yes, we were talking" – Said the brunette one-

"See? Told you" – I said with an innocent smile-

For a moment I swear I saw a small smile in his red lips, and something like pride in his eyes but it disappeared just as fast.

"We have more important things to do than talk to them" – He told me but made a pause and looked to the four other persons in that corridor- "And shouldn't you be doing your duties rather than try to intimidate a human, which you also fail to do?"

When I paid attention, their arrogance was gone, and they were now looking at Caius in what seemed to be the child posture of yoga, I laughed inside.

"We are truly sorry master, it won't happen again" – The four of them said at the same time-

"Of course it won't- Caius said- Because the next time, it will be me who you'll have to deal with" I could see their fear in their eyes.

"Should we go then? – I asked-

"After you my lady" –He responded with a little bow–

And as I finally started walking I made my duty to step as hard as I could in their hands, so they know their place.

After some silent minutes walking side by side, we arrived to a gigantic wood door with a latter C engraved in gold. He opened them and let me come in first.

As I was looking around the place I heard him close the door and take off his coat. The next thing I know, he is grabbing my waist and whispering to my ear

"Welcome to my chambers"

HELLOOO! How are you guys!?

I know I said I was going to upload faster but I had this huge block and nothing that I wrote convinced me. So I personally believe is better to take sometime and do something you like rather than just upload fast...

BUT MY IMAGINATION IS BACK BITCHESSS. (And lets hope It stays here)

Btw I live for the fact that she doesn't like the elite guard
Anyways... when I wrote the last sentence I felt chills, who also loves a passionate Caius?

Tell me what you think of this chapter!! I live for you comments! And I really would like to see what you think will happen in the next chapters!!

Hope everyone is safe!

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