A taste of her own medicine

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Anthea's Pov

In my entire life I had never been scared; yet somehow, looking in his red eyes made me terrified, but if these were my last moments on this planet, I was not going to give him the pleasure of knowing it.

The room was death silent and no one dared to move a muscle, gathering all the courage I had left my eyes left his. My sight met with the two other men that were now standing next to the thrones.

The bored looking one, had a shocked expression on his face, and was urging the one, that I now knew was called Aro, to grab his hand, but Aro was lost in his thoughts.

Out of nowhere, he said

"Bring her to me; I must collect every piece of information of what happened today"

Grabbing me by my neck, Caius lifted me of the ground, taking me to where the others were, I felt how I needed to breathe, but refused to give him what he so obviously wanted. Once he released me I took a deep breath, noticing the pain he had left me with and glared at him with deep hatred.

I saw a flash of regret cross his eyes, but what's done it's done, and he had hurt me.

"Hello, my dear child" – Said Aro-

I could feel how now everybody in that room was having a good time with my humiliation, except for Caius who's growl we heard, but he had humiliated me before, he could go fuck himself, I didn't need his pity, so I did what I do best. I lifted my head, and looked around with an arrogant stare, finally meeting his eyes.

"It was time for some of you to do your job right and found me; it was so easy to escape it got kind of boring" – I told Aro with a smirk on my lips-

I saw how rage crossed everyone's eyes including his.

"I must confess, this the first time it happens" – He assured me-

Just when he was about to speak again I said "Isn't always the first time?" – Giving the sentence a double meaning-

We heard a low laugh that came from Caius. But Aro didn't pay attention and continued his examination, surrounding me like a predator surrounds its prey.

"Would you give me your hand?" - He asked, and by his tone I knew games were over.

Confidently I gave him my hand, he took it with a strong grip and his eyes got lost in them, when a look of confusion appeared.

"I can see nothing" – he whispered-

And once again the whole room erupted in suppositions, he let go my hand and went back to his Throne with his hand on his chin.

"This isn't the first time this happens... But I would like to see how similar you actually are" – He said more to himself rather than to the others percent while looking at me intrigued – "Jane, please"

A tiny blonde girl appeared from the back of the room, with a sadist smile on her lips, dress as everyone else was in a black cloak but hers had some details in red, followed by a boy who seemed to be related to her for how similar they were.

"This will hurt" – She said and stared at me without blinking.

But nothing happened.

Coming from the other side of the room we heard

"I think the witch lost her spell"- Someone said jokingly-

But a moment later, he was screaming on the ground.

I took a moment to analyze what was happening. I saw how much she liked to make other people suffer, and I wanted her to taste a little bit of her own medicine. If I was going I wanted to go with a bang. I started to copy how she was standing, facing her directly and looking at her without blinking, feeling all the pain I needed to let out some way.

The screams of the man were suddenly replaced by her screams. Everybody was shook and stared to look for the responsible but no one looked at my direction. No one, except for Caius, who's gaze had never left me.

He got up, and walked towards me, tortuously slow, looking almost pleased of the girl suffering. He got behind me, breathed in my sent and when he finally saw lots of cracks appear in her marble like skin he whispered to me.

"That's enough"

I turned around as my eyes left hers, I stopped, forgetting what he had done earlier and once again loosing myself in his eyes. Looking at him in person had this weird sensation, that sent chills all over my body and somehow I swear I could smell the ocean whenever I was close to him. He made me feel vulnerable, and I wasn't sure if I was comfortable with it just yet.

From the corner of my eye I saw, how as the boy helped the sadist girl stand, and prevented her from attacking me. Aro, who now had a look in his eyes as if he had found a rare diamond, had finally taken the other's man hand looking pleased with whatever had happened

"Brothers and Sisters" – Aro said – "As you know, gifts are something that we have within ourselves from the very moment we are born, but there is something even more important written since the very first time we cry" – He made a pause and I could tell that for him, the only important thing were the so called gifts- "And that is our destiny. Marcus here has shown me and now I understand. The girl in front of our eyes was guided by fate to this castle, all because, she is my brother's mate. She is Caius's mate." - He finished –

Like a shadow, after saying all that, he appeared next to me

"I have a feeling that I'll be able to see something now" – He said grabbing my hand-

After a moment, he laugh, a terrifying laugh.

"It seems, that this little one, is friends with the half breed Cullen" – He said still holding my hand- "And she is very similar to you brother" – He told Caius- "I'm quite amazed, you will do an exceptional immortal my dear" - Letting go of my hand-

"The girl shall stay in the castle, now go, do your duties " - He dismissed everybody, in a second we were alone

"As you have burned Athenodora I guess you've decided to keep her, do as you please with your mate brother, but don't kill her"– He talked to Caius and left -

Marcus approached Caius and said something to his ear and disappeared.

"Follow me, we have a lot to talk and you must be tired" – Caius said to me in a really tough way while starting to walk-



So... Jane got what she deserved... I know it's my character but I like her. And to respond like that to Aro... The girl has balls.

Tell me what you think of this chapter!! I live for you comments! And I really would like to see what you think will happen in the next chapters!!

Ps: Did you notice I changed the cover of the story? Do you like it?

I hope everyone is safe at home!

As always: all critics are appreciated

Kisses from Uruguay


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