An old painting, a new obsession

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Anthea's Pov

"We need to work on our art project" - Said Renesmee as we exited the classroom- "You can come to my house after school"

I looked at her in the eye, feeling her excitement.

"Yeah... Do you have working supplies?" - I asked- "If not, we can go first to my house and grab them"

Out of nowhere, Alice appeared.
"Don't worry, we have everything you'll need" - She answered-

"Oh, great, I guess " - I said confused-

We made our way to the parking lot. Nessie, as everyone calls Renesmee except for Bella, was talking about the billion ideas she had. Jacob was looking at her as if that was the first time he has seen her, and Alice... well, she was lost in her own world.

I was looking at my phone, wondering if one of my parents would notice it was time I went home, but my phone had no text or calls, once again I was invisible.

When all of Nessie's family arrived, I said

"Well, you can lead, and I'll follow you in my car"

"Nice" - said Emmet- "Follow Jacob's bike he drives a little slower that the rest of us"

And everyone went on their way. First was the Jeep, then the Volvo, after that was the red convertible , the bike, and me.

During the whole drive, I was thinking how I was about to enter their house, we were no longer in neutral lands, now, it was their territory, and I hoped I made no mistakes, because I know, Edward would have my head, before thinking I was a danger for his family. And I didn't need to read his mind, to know that.

As a huge glass house appeared in sight, Jacob slow down, and then, I was at their house.

"Come!" - Said Nessie while she runs to what seemed to be the kitchen-

As I enter the room, I saw a beautiful couple

"This is my ... mom" - She ended after a little hesitation- "Esme, and this is my dad Carlise"

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you" - Carlise said- " Renesmee hasn't stopped talking about you"

I made my best effort to blush a little, even when I didn't care if she talked about me or not.

"I hope she said good things sir" - I said-

" Only the best" -He finished-

"Anthea and I are going to be working in your studio, for our art project" - Renesmee added while dragging me-

Once we were inside Carlise's Studio, I looked around while touching my hand.

"You know, you are really strong for such a small girl" - I said looking at her -

"Yeah, well, it must be cause I eat all my veggies " - She laughed -

"There they are!" - She said as she was opening a small door-

Inside of the door, was the most beautiful and complete collection of paints and brushes I would only dream of having

"The teacher said we had to paint something that calls our attention in a Renaissance way" - Renesmee said while walking through the room-

"So I thought, maybe we could go though my gran... MY DAD's art collection in here and paint it" - She finished -

I just nodded and started looking around.

I have never seen so many paintings all together in such a little place. After an hour, Renesmee had started her painting, but I couldn't find anything that called my attention.

Just as I was going to give up, I noticed a frame coming out, behind a huge desk.

"Hey Ness, give me a hand with this" - I said-

"With that? It's just an old painting" - She tried to not pay attention"

"C'mon! Just help me" -I said-

She looked up, and came over, very carefully we took the frame and put it over the desk it was behind.

In front of me, there was the most detailed piece of art I had seen this close in my whole life.

Three men where standing in the middle of a balcony above a crowd, who seemed to be having a party.
In the center, a black haired man was looking at the crowd enjoying him self for being above them all. At his right, a brown haired man who was distracted, not paying attention to what was happening in that moment, it was almost as if he was lost in the past.
As I looked closely, I noticed there was a man, who looked exactly like Carlise, maybe this was an heirloom from an predecessor that shockingly enough, seem to be a twin of him.
But I stopped paying attention to him, the moment my eyes saw the definition of perfection.
At the left of the painting, standing proudly there was a blonde, almost white haired man , who seem to be disgusted by the sight in front of him, trying to find something worth his time, plotting how to end the lives of every single soul that had made the mistake of going to that party. Not only was he the most handsome man I had seen in my life, but I had found myself lost in the crimson eyes this painting depicted, it was as if his eyes had come to life and had hypnotised me. I knew how he was thinking because my brain thinks the same way, I knew what he was plotting because I would plot it myself.

And I had finally found the person that had called and kidnaped my attention, a god of red eyes.

"God" - I whisper- "I wish they were real"

I noticed how Renesmee looked at me in the eye, and I noticed how she started feeling scared, but I was still staring at his eyes. Hadn't been for the fact that I needed to paint him for the project, I would've done it anyways, I needed to have a reminder of how he looked.

As I started painting, I spent a lot of time working in his eyes, the very thing that had me going crazy for the man that I didn't even know was true or not.

I had seen the way Renesmee looked at me when I found this painting, I needed her to be gone for a couple of minutes to try at least to find a name, something that could tell me if they, if HE was real.

"Hey Nessie" - I said-

"Yeah?" -She asked while still painting-

"I'm sorry for bothering you, but, could you bring a glass of water? - I asked- "I don't want your parents thinking I don't have manners or something like that"

"You don't bother! -She said feeling a little better- "Water coming right up"

And she runs off the room, as soon as she was gone and I couldn't hear her steps anymore, I went to the painting, and turned the frame, behind of it it only read one word.

I could hear Renesmee coming back, so I turn the frame once more, and opened the door for her, grabbing the glass of water she gave me.
I drown myself in it, and started collecting my stuff.

"Nessie, my parents just text me, I need to go home" - I lied-

"Don't worry" I completely understand - She said while accompanying me to the door-

"I'll text you when I'm home!" -I shouted as I walked to my car-

Un I conected my phone, turn my car on, and went on my way.

As soon as the house was no longer in my review mirror i said

"Hey Siri, look up "Volturis"



I have been reading you comments and they are THE BEST. Plus I think I have discover a few Alices Cullens, who can see the future in you guys!
As always: all critics are appreciated and personally, i would like to see what you think will happen in the next chapters!

Ps: Does anyone know how to edit or make a better cover page?? DM me if you do please 🙏🏻

Kisses from Uruguay


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