The joy of death

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Anthea's Pov

The moment I crossed the hospital doors I felt a cold chill running down my spine, the first thing I saw was  a defeated looking police officer who explained everything that had happened and accompanied me,  I couldn't count the number of sad looks I received as we made our way to the morgue. As we were walking he tried not to look at me, but I couldn't help but to look at him.

His eyes were the ones of a wounded animal, who was ready to attack, but his body showed how he had been, once again defeated, starting to surrender to fate. There had been many unresolved animals attacks lately and even when the police department had all their officials out there, trying to find the culprit, they just seemed to be unable to do so.

As I was looking at his eyes I felt his rage and saddens, and I huffed internally. He was pathetic, unable to do anything right. In a town where nothing happens and the only thing the police does is hunt and maybe eat a couple of donuts, they were unable to find a fucking animal who was killing the people of this town. Not that the animal wasn't doing the world a favor and I couldn't care less about these people, but still, it was true.

We finally arrived to a steel door and a foul smell came out of it when a doctor opened it. 

Lying there, were two bodies covered by what seemed to be grey bed sheets, the doctor explained to me, how I needed to see their faces and verify that they actually were my parents.  He then proceeded to uncover their faces.

When I laid my eyes on them, there was no question. It was them. They seemed to be at peace. And I hated that. I hated they weren't in pain. My face must have said something, and the doctor assured me they had died a painless and quick death and I hated that they had. And I hoped that somehow I could wake them up and make sure they didn't.

All I could say was "It's them" – In a monotonous voice-   And I turned around and exited the room, and started walking my way back
"I'm sorry" – I heard the doctor say at the distance-

The police man said his goodbyes and catch up with me, he just looked at me and didn't say a word, and I could feel how now he felt sorry for me. He must have thought I acted the way I did because I was mourning. As I said, he was pathetic, and not very good at his job if he couldn't read my feelings toward the murder of my parents.

I had to give my phone number to the police man and was told that in case they found anything I was going to be the first one to know. I didn't want to know anything; I didn't care, but had to act like I did.  In fact, if they ever found the animal, I just wanted to pet it and say thank you, for freeing me from the constant suffering that were my parents.

When I was finally able to leave, entering the building was Dr. Carlisle Cullen, who was shocked to see me there.
"Hello, Anthea. What are you doing here?" – He asked- 

I was going to answer but the police man did it first

"Hello Dr. Cullen, The poor girl had to verify if the two persons found were her parents" – he said- 

In my head, I was planning a thousand ways to kill that man. He of all people, felt sorry for me.

"I'm really sorry to hear that" – He made a pause- "Anthea, if you need anything, you can count with my family, just say a word"

I looked up, feeling how worried he actually was and said 

"Thank you Carlisle, but right now I just want to go home" 

And exited the hospital.

As I arrived home, I saw a black car parked.

I got off my car and walked to my house, I was tired of the whole situation and I didn't want to deal with anything. So I ignored the car. 

But when I was about to close my door, from the car emerged a suited man, who ran to my door, and said

"Miss, are you Anthea Lincer?" – He asked- 

"Yeah... That's me" – I said – "Look, I have had a really shitty day, can you come back tomorrow?"

And tried once again to close the door, but he put his polished shoes to stop it.

"Believe me, you want to hear this"

I looked at him, and felt his urge so I sighted and finally opened the door. 

After what felt like forever, I had read and signed everything the man, who turned to be the lawyer of my parents, had given me, I said thank you, he promised to be in contact and we finally part ways.

I was officially the owner of everything my parents had once possessed and were so proud about. The thought of that made me smile, a really diabolic one. The one thing they were so proud about, owned by the person they despised. I loved fate. 

It hit me then; I was able to do whatever the fuck I wanted. 

Volterra, Here I go.

As promised here you have a longer chapter for quarantine!!!

Who is excited for Anthea going to Italy? Because I sure am! And the fact that I no longer have to write about her parents brings me joy. ( I wanted to kill them from the very first time I had the idea of this story)

I would like to see what you think will happen in the next chapters!!!

I hope everyone is safe at home! We' ll get through this together! And I wanted to do a special mention to thank every doctor, every nurse, and hospital staff that is working so hard to keep us healthy and fighting this virus!

As always: all critics are appreciated

Kisses from Uruguay


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