High on him

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Anthea's Pov

I felt his cold breath in my ear sending shivers all over my body.

"After you Milady" – He said whispering once again, bowing down a little with a smirk on his face and a shadow in his now black eyes, waking me up from my day dream-

I looked him in the eyes, feeling like a sheep falling for the wolf's disguise and didn't answer. After a second I smiled without showing my teeth and walked straight into the trap that I fear and desired at the same time, hearing the sound of the door closing behind my back.

I contemplated the room that was in front of me searching for the nearest escape, while he slowly made his way back to me. Just like a lion surrounding his prey.

"Don't think about escaping – He said when my eyes laid a second too much on the window grabbing me by the neck lifting me off the ground- those useless excuses  for a vampire might not be able to find you... but know I will, and I won't be merciful, I don't care who you are"

I felt a pain in my heart, a pain much worse than not being able to breath, but I didn't know what it was.

He let go of my neck and I tried to recover, I could see how angry he was and I knew from experience that I shouldn't bother him anymore.
He was looking down to me now, like he was studying me, trying to guess what my next move would be and took a step back with a flash of regret crossing his eyes.

"That's what you are then? – I asked finally finding my voice- A vampire? Is that why Carlisle had a painting of you?

"Carlisle Cullen? - He asked, with kind of a funny tone- Is this how you found me? They sent you? What are you? A peace gift?

I shook my head, instantly regretting doing it, my neck still hurt.

" They didn't tell me anything - I looked up, meeting his eyes- They don't even know I'm in Italy"

"Hmm" - he said taking a seat in one sofa he had in his room, rubbing his face- "Then how did you find me?"

I started walking through his room looking at some of the antiques he had there, jewelry, art, even books I was too afraid to touch for they seemed to be a second apart from turning into ashes.

" Did you know artist used to write along with their names, the place where the painting was made? Some would even put the names of the people in it... - I Made a pause, and looked at him once again- Like tagging a friend on Instagram -I joked-

He didn't laugh

"You are too young to know that- He said leaning back into his seat- "You don't seem fully developed yet"

I was angry now

"Or maybe - I made a pause- You are just too old to remember... Don't worry though, you maintain yourself pretty good for an old man" - I remarked-

He closed his eyes a little, tilted his head and grabbed a bourbon glass that contained a crimson red liquid, taking a sip, tainting his lips with it.

After looking around his room once more, I turned and started to slowly make my way to him.

"But the big question is still to be answered, isn't it? - I said playing with my hair standing right in front of him.

He shifted on his place.

"And... What would that be? - he said making a place for me to seat next to him-

"The question - I said as slow as I humanly could- is - I turned around the corner of the table in front of him- why - I looked into his eyes once more - I'm here" - i finished whispering and sitting on his lap-

We both stared at one another, as if we were on a trance. Being able to finally regain all of my strength, I lifted my hand and touched his face. His eyes went wide questioning my actions but never stopping me.

My hand made its way from his cheek to his silk like hair, playing with it just like it had played with mine minutes ago.

After a second, my hand moved again. Taking a few strings of hair with it and make it's final stop on his red lips, brushing against his most dangerous feature.

He was looking to me, confused, maybe even wondering how was I not scared of him. But I was, once again, hypnotized with the feeling inside of me. Shivers all over my body and magic in the hand that was finally touching him.

"You are real" - I found myself whispering my thoughts, more to myself that for him to listen, for I had started to believe I was, in fact, crazy for even trying to look for the man in the painting.

"So are you" - His hands, that were resting on his side, moved to hold my waist -

It felt like a drug, a drug I wanted more... No, a drug I needed more. I needed to be high on him for the rest of my days on this damn world

And just when I couldn't help myself anymore, and was about to give in to all my desires, he stood up, and in a monotonous tone said

" You should get settled, you're not going to leave anytime soon"

And in a second, he was gone.

I ran to the door, tried to open it... but it was locked. My blood boiled and all I could see was red.

I took a step closer to the door and screamed.


And i could swear, I heard a deep laugh in the distance


HI!! How are you guys?

It's been so long since I've written something beside university stuff, I really needed this.
The fact that so many of you started reading this book and have sended messages or commented is so sweet, I love you so so much!

I hope everyone is safe and sound,  I wish you all a merry Christmas (let's hope I can write some more before it)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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