A death sentence

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Before you read this chapter you may wanna know that whenever you see this font, it means you are reading someone's thoughts. Now, you may enjoy this story

Edward's Pov

When all the commotion started, I tried to see in people's thoughts what had really happened, I never expected the new girl, who seemed to be polite and fun enough to get along with Emmett to be thinking how good it felt to cause so much pain, or to be feeling proud when remembering in detail what she had done.

I couldn't contain myself and glared at her, trying to figure her out, and at the same time, worrying about what could happen to Renesmee or our family if she stayed in our lives.

Anthea's Pov

I truly don't understand, I am outstandingly good at pretending to be concern, pretending to care. But somehow, by the look on Edward's eyes, it felt as if he could see right through me. Like I was a book way to easy for him to read. I don't like it, at all.

So I focused on him, trying to read him, looking straight into his golden eyes, imagining how he had done it, if he could read me, so could I. Just when my head was starting to hurt, I heard:

- I hope she isn't bad news - I knew it was his voice, but it sounded off somehow - We have just move back to Forks-

I was completely and utterly confused, what was happening to me? Then I focused on what I had just heard, Moved back? Have they lived here before?

In that exact moment, i started hearing hundreds of voices, it was like everyone in the school was speaking right inside my head.

I closed my eyes, covered my ears with my hands and tried to make them disappear, but it didn't work. I started thinking shut up, shut up, shut up until I couldn't take it any longer

"SHUT UP" - I screamed

Everyone in the cafeteria looked at me, and in that moment I realise what I had done

"Stop talking about the accident, and help them, they don't need gossip, they need a doctor" - I pretended that I was just trying to help, and judging by the look on everyone's face, it worked.

Well, everyone except for the cullens, just then, I heard

- I hope she's ok - it was the voice of Renesmee-
- Interesting - Jasper's-
- Carlise will be intrigued by her -Alice's-

"Just say it in my face, there's no need for whispering" -I said-
"Nobody said anything" - Emmett assured me

In that moment, I realised that I had called too much the attention.

"You know what, I'm not feeling really well, I think Im getting sick, this might be why my head hurts. - I lied- I will go home"- as I did that, I got up and exited the school.

Alice's Pov

School day had finally ended and we were all in the main house, talking about everything that happened today.

"Edward, you seem worried, what is it?" - I asked-
He look at me in the eye, and I noticed the whole family had stopped their conversations to listen to us, they had also noticed.
"It's the new girl, remember the guys who were "Practicing "? It was her doing, she beat them, and felt pleasure by doing so. I saw it in her mind" -he explained-
" If that's so - Rosalie said - We shouldn't talk to her, we must not call the attention of the other humans"-
"But she seemed so nice!" - Renesmee said -
"I really liked her, and we don't know for sure if it is something she usually does" - Emmet intervene-
"Alice - Carlise Step I'm the conversation- Can you see her future? Maybe this was just something that happened in a moment of anger"
"I'll try" - I said-

I started walking towards one of our sofas when Edward said
- After I read her, it seemed like she could hear everyone's thoughts
-That's very strange, I'll look for information- Carlise assured him-

I finally sat down in the sofa and concentrated in her sent, her voice, her face and finally, her decisions. At first nothing happened but then...

First I saw her and Renesmee laughing and going shopping, I saw her cooking for Jake, I saw her going to the psychologist trying to control herself. But then I saw a plane, the sun and a sign that read "Welcome to Italy" then day turned to night and I saw a black cloak, followed by some red eyes, following a girl, the cloak then disappeared and I could see blonde, almost white hair, after that, a kiss.
That's when I realised it was Caius, kissing Anthea. The picture now showed Caius giving her the crest of the Volturi.
In that exact moment, the background changed to Forks snowy forest, Anthea with her own black cloak, standing right behind Caius, and all of us, dead, laying on the floor.

I blinked a couple times, looked edward right in the eye, knowing he had just seen the same thing I did, then looked at my whole family and said

"She is Caius's mate, but if they ever meet, it's going to be the end of life as we know it, and it could even be the end of this family- I looked at Renesmee- She will be your friend, you must keep her away from him, it's the only way we'll survive."

I really hope this is what we have to do.

I know, I know... I said I would be uploading more and I didn't, but in my defence I was uninspired!
Keeping that in mind, this is a short chapter but I kind of liked it, as it was. Lot of content in few words, but I promise next one will be long
Thank you all for the luck wishes for my exams, I SAVE THEM ALL *Insert victory dance here*
Again, this is not my language so any coments or critics are appreciated!
Kisses from Uruguay !

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