Hallway to fate

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December, 2096

Anthea's Pov

Saying I was impatient, would have been the understatement of the century.

Since my parents had passed and someone had heard, I still don't know where, I was the new millionaire of this damn town, every stupid teenage of this high school had tried to befriend me.

That thought made me smile. God knows how much I had loved to make them understand we weren't and would never be friends. Some of them are still afraid to look at me... What a shame.

On the other hand, since then, I had actually been friends with Renesmee. And I was gladly surprised to have someone I could trust my inner thoughts with; it was nice to be able for once to be myself and not be judged for it. We would go to the others home and cook for each other while laughing. The only thing I had learned not to say was my feelings towards her boyfriend. No matter how hard I tried, there was no way I would like him. Even when he was pleasant with me, there was something inside my head that just make me disgusted by him.

Anyways, today was the last day of school before the winter vacations, and I had already bought my plane tickets for Italy, had managed to rent an apartment close to the castle of Volterra, and I had gathered every piece of information I could get about these apparently nonexistent Volturis.

I would board the plane tonight, and I just had to tell Renesmee I was going on vacations to get my head out of the fact I would be alone in Christmas, I was making my way to the parking lot, when suddenly I had this feeling inside of me.

It was as if someone had warned me.

I could not tell ANY of the Cullens where I was going.

In that exact moment, a hand touched my back, and I jumped out of my thoughts.

"Hey!" - Said Renesmee- "We have been looking for you"

I looked around, and found myself surrounded by the whole family. And again, this strange feeling, just made me stare into Isabella's eyes. And then I felt relief.

"Hi" - I said back, giving everyone a faked smile- "I was too; I need to tell you something"

"Something happened?" - She asked worriedly- "Because I was going to invite you to come to my house on Christmas, so you don't have to be alone"

"Yeah, it kind of did" - I said, and rapidly thought of an excuse- "Some relatives I have in Greece invited me to spend the holidays with them, and I wanted to be with my family or at least with what remains of it"

"Oh..." – She said- "No, I completely understand... When are you leaving?"

While we were having this conversation, I could feel the stares everyone was sharing, especially Edward's, who was staring at me with a shocked expression.

"Tonight" – I answer- "I didn't want to say anything before because the walls have ears inside there" – I said looking at the high school building-

"Aw, I'm going to miss you" – She said while hugging me –

She then stared at me

"Promise me you are going to call" - She Demanded-

I laughed but truthfully said "I promise"

Edward's Pov

This was impossible.

I had been able to read her mind since the first day, and now, not only I couldn't do it, but Alice couldn't see her future either.

This was bad news.

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