Chapter 12

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The next few days felt like you were living in a daze, a constant state of sleep paralysis. The house somehow always looked dark, ominous with a red hue. It seemed like the sun and moon both coordinated to make the house even more of a nightmare than it actually is. The shadows multiplied and you hardly ever saw sunlight, either from him or from the burning call of gas in the sky.

Anytime you saw Hoseok, he would either be drinking or already intoxicated. He stayed in his studies most of the time and stopped coming to the dining table for meals. It was clear that he was avoiding you at any cost. You should have been glad, happy even. But you were still at a discomfort. At one point, you thought it was your fault that he became this way, because what you said was truly awful. At the same time, he took you for selfish reasons and you could not forgive him for it, you would never.

Counter to what you have told him, you have spent countless hours trying to remember pieces of him in your past, only to find none. It was as if every particle of his existent was wiped clean from your memories and you're only left with the haunting smell of citrus. That part was clear. If you smell it long enough, it might come back. But that would mean being near him more and that was something you did not want to do. Besides, the stench of alcohol had completely replaced the citrus all together. Even if you do remember, there was no way your perception of him could become any better.

The influx in the girls he brings home didn't better that perception either. It was a new face every night, one much prettier, clingier, and less distinctive personality than the last. He must like the feeling of being needed and wanted, you gathered, the house was never empty. Even right now, the house was loud. He invited some of his members over for a "meeting" as Areum calls it, which consisted of drinking, gambling, and girls. You had been in your room the whole night, you were too scared to even eat dinner. Areum said she would leave some food outside for you.

It was that time, your stomach was growling. Gently opening the door, you saw that the hallway was dark and the only light came from Hoseok's studies down on the other end of the hall. The kitchen would be a safe area. Tiptoeing, you made it to the dining table in one piece to see that Areum had already set up the food. After deciding that it would be safe to eat out in the open, you began filling your stomach. Every second felt terrifying and invigorating, like you were doing something wrong. Being able to move freely while being a captive felt wrong.

You shook away that thought, still trying to make the best of the situation. Once you were done with the dishes, you grabbed a glass of water and headed back to your room, tiptoeing once more. "Who the hell are you?" someone asked sharply. Her voice was like a shriek of a bird. You turned around slowly to see an unfamiliar girl, they were all unfamiliar, you reminded yourself. Like all the other ones, she wore a tight black dress, with loose curls and crimson lips. He had a type, you scoffed. Without answering, you headed back for your room.

Heels clicked and soon, her hand was on your wrist, spinning you back. "I asked you a question, now answer you bitch." she demanded.

"And why do I have to answer you?" you retorted.

The girl clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes. "I hate rats like you who think they can just speak in a disrespectful tone to people like me."

"I'm very sure you just read my thoughts," you sighed. "I'm not bothering you so you should just go back to where you came from." You tried walking away but once again the girl held you back, this time pushing you against the wall. Your back hit it with a thud.

"You're bothering me by just breathing," she snapped. "Tell me who you are and what you're doing in oppa's house."

"Oppa?" you asked, then you understood. Jealousy manifested in recognizable and obvious ways. "Oh, I'm literally no one. You have nothing to worry about."

She scoffed, "No one? Then why are you wearing such nice clothes, and why are you allowed to eat at the dining table? I've never been allowed to go near it."

Again, jealousy was predictable. "Then I guess you'll have to ask him. Now let me go before I get angry."

The girl threw her head back in annoyance, then her hand came down too quickly for you to register. All you knew was your cheek was burning. Then she proceeded to grab a hold of your face, claws digging into your cheeks to the point where you felt blood gushing out. "You don't get to talk to me like that, I am better than you in every way. I hate the sight of you. I hate the mention of you. I hate the way he looks at you."


Her hand was raised again but it didn't get to come down. When you opened your eyes, you were met with a sober, and enraged Hoseok. It felt like forever since you had seen him, he was much thinner and colorless. His hair was a mess and he hadn't shaved in a week. You felt strangely melancholy at the sight. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" he growled, holding on tightly to the girl's arm like metal chains. The girl whimpered.

"I-I was only teaching her a lesson for talking out of place." she answered quietly.

"And who said you could do that?" Hoseok asked, he bit the inners of his cheeks and it showed off his defined jawline even more.

"O-oppa, I'm sorry." she whispered. You saw the tears building up in her eyes, you couldn't decipher is she was sad or frightened, most likely both.

"Y/N, go to your room," he commanded. "And don't look back."

"What are you going to do?"

"That's none of your concern." he answered without sparing a glance at you. "Go, now."

You did as told. "Don't hurt her." you muttered before walking away. He scoffed, and watched as you closed the door to your room. The girl turned to him with pleading eyes.

"I'm sorry, I won't do it again."

"Of course you won't." he remarked. "Because I won't let you."

"What are you going to do to me?" she asked, choking on her own tears. She had only wanted him to love her, to look at her with a fraction of how he looks at you.

He lets go of her arm and cracked his knuckles. "On any other occasion, I would break your arm off for laying a finger on her. I would crack your ribs for making her bleed. But since she so kindly asked me not to hurt you, I think you could survive with a few scars on your face."

He took a step back, and watched as his men dragged her away. She cried out loud, screaming that she loves him. He was immune to it all, it wasn't the first time he had seen this happen. But it was the first time he let someone get off so easily when he's angry. He turned to another man to call on Areum to help you with your wounds.

That night you slept, vividly remembering the scent of citrus when he appeared. 

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