Chapter 22

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The season was changing rapidly. A mirage of different colored leaves rustling aimlessly in whichever direction the wind takes them. Once they couldn't handle the pressure anymore, they would fall. A mosaic would form on the dull green grass. You sat by the fireplace, feeling remorse that the rose bushes would go into decay soon. They were in full bloom when you had arrived at the house. That felt so long ago. So much has happened and you were starting to believe that it was for the best. You would tease Hoseok from time to time about his aggressive and possessive behaviors, but you knew he only had your best interest at heart.

You believed it then, and you believed it when he kissed you. All the built up emotions he held towards you suddenly revealed themselves and manifested with such force. He was quite shy and jittery afterwards, which wasn't unusual for Hobi but something felt wrong at the moment. Maybe it was the silence, or the feeling that you two weren't truly alone. Or that Hoseok has yet to define anything about your relationship. Granted, it's not the easiest thing to comprehend. Circumstances were certainly not in your favors, nor was the world. And yet there was an inclination in you that wanted him to make something official. So you went back to how you both were before, still complicated. But he was definitely more forward with his feelings and affection, which is something you can't complain about.

Looking at the rose, you contemplated for awhile. They deserve one last glory to be displayed and admired. Since Areum was at the grocery store and since there were no longer guards at every door, you thought your plan would be seamless. With that in mind, you put on your jacket and headed outside to the garden.

Rows of rose bushes came into sight. They were dazzling, like jewels of the sea, and brilliant red like young love. But like all reigning things, they were withering. You began cutting the ones that were salvageable enough to become centerpieces around the house. You could also pick off the petals for a relaxing bath later, or make soap. The possibilities were endless. You snapped away, flowers falling, and the bushes behind were rattlings.

You froze midair. To your knowledge, the guards patrolling wouldn't hide in the bushes, especially if they see you out here. They would be in the open, and alert enough to catch any intruders. But someone could have snuck in, someone skillful. Gripping the scissor, you turned around and walked towards.


Hoseok's car raced through traffic, ignoring pedestrians and stop lights. He could care less about those things, something of more importance was on his mind. You. You were always on his mind but he has learned that something, someone, is threatening your safety and he will never allow that to happen. Your phone went to voicemail. "Fuck," Hoseok slammed on the accelerator, knocking his head back but he kept his eyes narrowed and forward.

He almost ran through the gates of the manor. His heart was racing every second he got closer to the house. Pushing the front doors back, he scanned the area and panicked when he didn't see your figure in sight. The living room, your room, the library, his room, the kitchen, nothing. He felt numb. But a little hope rose when he saw a tea cup on a kitchen counter. It came from a matching set that he bought for the two of you. It was still warm. Suddenly, he heard a scream coming from the garden, your scream. Without another thought, he ran.

There was something hiding in the bushes, and it jumped out the second you got within a few feet. Instinctively, you let out a scream. Not because it was anything dangerous, but unexpected and absolutely adorable. "Where did you come from?" you cooed as you picked up the puppy. His floppy ears covered his little face as he barked the littlest cry you ever heard. You pulled him closer to your chest, "It's okay, I won't hurt you."

"Y/N!" You spun around to see an exhausted and frantic Hoseok. His face was red, and his chest was puffing.

"Ho-" His embraced knocked the wind out of you. Luckily, the puppy had jumped out of your arms before he was crushed to death. Hoseok's body was shaking. You gasped silently, he had never been like this before. "What's wrong?"

"What are you doing out here by yourself? Why didn't you answer your phone?" he shouted.

"Sorry, I didn't think I would need it. Is it a problem that I'm out here?"

"Never go anywhere without telling me. And always keep your phone on you, got it?

"I'm sorry, I was just going outside, I didn't think it would be a problem." you answered, slightly confused at his anger because he was fine with you roaming the house. "But what's wrong?"
Before Hoseok could answer, four men approached from behind. Hoseok pushed himself back and place himself in front of you protectively. He relaxed a little when he saw who they were. "The perimeter is clear," Yoongi reported.

"We've also checked all the cameras near the manor, nothing suspicious has happened. But something did trigger the alarm. The signal was small, most likely an animal." Taehyung continued.

"Good, but we still need to be on high alert." Hoseok stated. His men nodded in agreement.

"Okay, can someone please tell me what is happening?" you demanded.

"We received a threat from a rival gang." Jungkook explained. "Normally, we wouldn't think anything of it."

"But this time it was different," Jimin continued. "They switched target.
"To who?"

"To you." Hoseok answered, obviously on edge. "When you didn't pick up your phone, I was petrified that someone took you."

You finally understood his strange behavior and held his hand. "I'm sorry. I'll be more careful from now on." you promised.

"Thank you." he whispered. "But just to give me peace of mind, I'll have the boys rotate in guarding you."


"That's final, Y/N. You're my girlfriend. I cannot lose you, ever." he remarked. You could only nod, feeling the tingle in your stomach when he said 'girlfriend'. It was silly of you to have doubted him, in his mind, you have never been anything else other than his life.

"Oh!" You looked down and picked up the puppy. "I found him wandering in the garden. He must be the one that triggered the alarm. Can we keep him, please?" Hoseok stared at the puppy, trying to see if there was any collar or tracker on its body. The puppy stared back at the strange man, then whimpered a little before licking his face, determining that he was a good person. Hoseok laughed, he always wanted a dog, especially with you and he had the perfect name for him.

"Alright, anything for you." he answered, kissing your forehead, making the other boys groaned.

"Yay!" you cheered. Then skipped into the house to fix something for the puppy to eat. Hoseok and the boys followed behind, eyes set on the mission at hand. Playing with the dog.  

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