Chapter 29

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"How did you..."

"I saw it on the news, and for some reason, my heart told me that you would need help." he answered.

"Thank you, oppa."

"Enough talking, let's get him somewhere safe and I'll treat his wounds. Don't worry, I already made sure this area was safe." Seokjin wrapped his jacket around Hoseok and flung Hoseok's arm around his shoulder and walked to his car that was parked a few streets away. Hoseok passed out as soon as he laid down on the backseat. You stayed with him, having his head on your lap and making sure his back won't come into contact with anything. "I won't ask about what happened, but are you okay?"

"Yes, I think I feel better now."

"I'm glad," Seokjin answered, his hand gripping the steering wheel.

"I killed someone, oppa." you confessed. "I shouldn't feel happy but I am. I'm so relieved that I killed that person."

"Did he deserve it?"

"It was him. The person who assaulted my mother and killed her. The one that made me like this."

"Then I am very glad he's dead." your brother stated. "You don't need to feel guilty about killing a monster like him. I would have done it too. I would have burned his body until there were no remains left." Seokjin was a pure soul. He nags at time, but never in his life had he ever been violent or have such thoughts. Only twice. The first time was when he found you in the hospital and the second time when Hoseok took you. Seeing you stroking Hoseok's hair right now, he suddenly felt better and the rage he had for the boy had vanished, but not completely. The car stopped at an unfamiliar building.

"Where are we?" you asked. It was definitely not your house.

"It's Namjoon's apartment," Seokjin answered. He picked Hoseok up, this time, giving him a piggyback ride. "He has another one in the city near his work, but he stays here whenever he's back to visit me." There was a small smile on his face when he spoke of his boyfriend's name. So much love and admiration. It's the same smile Hoseok has on when he talks about you.

Namjoon's apartment was what you had expected of him. Plain, modern, a lot of plants, and relatively clean. If it weren't for Seokjin, you were sure Namjoon would have burned the place down long ago. It had the basic wooden furniture that you knew cost a fortune but at least that was the only thing he would splurge on. You watched intently as Seokjin removed Hoseok's shirt and cleaned the wound. It looked painful, but luckily his leather jacket was thick enough that the acid came into contact with a thin layer of the skin.

"Namjoon gets hurt a lot. He's so clumsy so I learned basic first aid procedures. I never had to treat an acid wound before so this is new," he chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

"Oppa, thank you for doing this. And I'm so sorry for just leaving that day. I was overwhelmed by everything and I needed clarification from him. You are still my family no matter what." you cried.

"Silly," he sighed, pulling you into a hug. "I'm not mad at you. I'm sorry that we didn't tell you sooner. You had been blaming yourself for your mom's death all your life and I just stood there and watched.

"You were trying to protect me. And I love you for that."

"I love you too. And our parents still love you. I told them that you found Hoseok and was spending time with them. They're not mad. I think they can finally let go of that guilt."

"I'll go see them soon," you remarked. "I'll bring him too."

"Is he treating you right? Are you happy with him?" Seokjin started questioning. HIs face became serious again. But you thought it was cute.

"Yes, oppa." you chuckled. "He loves me in a way that I can't describe. And I feel the same for him, like he's my conclusion."

"Are you sure it's not just the Stockholm syndrome?" Seokjin teased.

"I have thought about that, but the connection we have was built a long time ago. It just needed time to come into the light and grow." Seokjin nodded slowly, he understood that some love won't ever break.

Hoseok woke up a few hours later to find himself in the dimly lit and unfamiliar room. He sat up, too quickly and winced at the pain he felt on his back. But he relaxed when he saw you sleeping on the ground, with your head leaning on the couch and your hand in his. He laid back down, and kissed your forehead. He was so thankful that you're safe. But his thoughts wandered somewhere else. "The boys." he gasped.

"They're fine." someone replied. It was Seokjin, who had come out from the kitchen holding a glass of water. "Yoongi called Y/N and said they escaped through the sewer system. Everyone is fine, except for a few minor injuries."

"Thank you," Hoseok bowed as he took a sip. He was internally thanking the gods or whoever that his friends were safe.

"I told her to sleep in the room but she refused to leave your side." Seokjin continued, taking a seat on the adjacent sofa.

"I see," Hoseok smiled. "Thank you for taking us here and treating my wounds."

"Believe me, I didn't want to," Seokjin said bluntly. "But Y/N would have been very mad if I didn't do it."

"Hyung, I can't begin to say sorry for what I've done..."

"Save it. I don't want to hear it right now," Seokjin snapped, but in a quiet manner as to not wake you up. "I'm so outraged with you, for taking her from me just like that. We might not be related but she's my sister no matter what." Hoseok bit his lips, feeling his hope draining away. Seokjin sighed. "But she's happy now, and that's all I should care about. But don't think I'm letting this go. When your wound heals, I'll beat you up." he warned.

"I look forward to it," Hoseok chuckled.

Seokjin sighed, "I'm sorry for pushing you away from her back then. I didn't realize how much of an impact she had on you."

Hoseok shook his head, "It's okay. You did it to protect her, I would have done the same."

"What is your plan now? You accomplished your goal."

"I... haven't thought much about that." Hoseok answered earnestly. "I didn't think I would still be alive after this. Before Y/N came back into my life, I imagined taking my own life after killing that man. I don't know exactly what happens now but I do know that I want to stay by her side forever."

"How can I trust her with you when you don't have a plan?" Seokjin questioned. His overly-protected brother side is coming back.

"I'll move us somewhere far from here, and start fresh. I'll get a job while she goes back to school. And we'll have a quiet life together. I know I can do that, I can give her happiness." he answered frantically. "Please, give me your blessing." he begged.

Seokjin laughed. "I'm just kidding. I know you'll do everything for her, so I'm not worried. As for blessing, you'll have to ask her yourself. And as for a new start," he fished something out of his pocket and handed it to Hoseok. "It's a key to a flower shop I'm opening up in the city. It's nothing big, but it can be a start for you both."

Hoseok took the key and held it with care. "Thank you so much, hyung."

Seokin stood up and patted the young one's back, "Protect her."

Hoseok nodded, rubbing your cheek with his thumb, "With my entire life."

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