Chapter 14

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Today was the day, you would find answers one way or another. And the 'another' was what you should have done the minute you were taken into this house: escape. Well, it wasn't actually escaping because Hoseok would search the ends of the earth for you, he would burn the world to find your ashes. Right now, you just wanted answers and there was one person you knew could give that to you.

The shower was running in Hoseok's room. Since it was early in the morning, there weren't that many guards roaming around the house. Despite that reassurance, every step you took to go up the stairs felt like you were dragging weights and feet on shards of glass. You feared that even the shower wouldn't muffle the sound of your loud heartbeat. The door to his room was cracked open slightly. You didn't really come up with a plan for once you were inside the room, you just knew you had to find your phone.

As if the gods were on your side, you found it on a dresser as soon as you stepped into the room. Happiness overflowed in you and you didn't even get to truly observe the room interior. You only noticed the room was quite bare, white with colorful paintings and photographs. There was a small stuffed purple horse on the nightstand by his bed. It was out of place and so innocent, unlike his character. You shook your head, trying to focus on the task at hand.

Luckily, your phone was still on and functioning. Your fingers went wild as you texted Seokjin, telling him to not ask any questions and to meet you at the nearest convenience store and to not reply to this message. Previously, you had asked Areum discreetly about the surrounding area. She didn't question it, but you still told her because you were craving kimbap. Hoseok brought some home the next day. Gently, you put the phone back on the dresser and rushed back to your room, hoping that the plan would work out smoothly.

The shower turned off. Hoseok exited the bathroom with wet hair and exposed chest. He glanced at the dresser and observed how the phone hadn't moved from its spot. She did a good job at cleaning up her tracks, he thought. Nothing could get pass him. He purposely left it in plain sight and kept it charged just to see if you would do anything. The mafia boss was surprised to see that it took you this long to make a move, he expected you to plan the escape the minute he took you to this house.

Back in the safety of your room, you wondered how you would leave in the first place. The window was easy to open, it was barred up or located up high. You could probably survive the jump with a few minor scratches. And that's exactly what you did. You told Areum that your head was pounding and you wanted to rest in bed for the whole day. She said she would bring some medicine and food, to which you told her not to because you were afraid you would throw up.

Locking the door, you set out for the window. Outside, the guards who usually surveil the area were nowhere in sight. You figured they were on a different route. After prying the window opened, you jumped and landed roughly on the grass below. The coast was clear, with no moving figures amongst the green lawn and rose bushes. Without another thought, you bolted for the gate. Hoseok gazed from his window as your silhouette became dimmer until you were completely gone.

"Sir." one of the guards spoke up behind him.

"It's okay. She'll come back." he nodded. "Just make sure she gets to where she's going safely."

"Yes, sir." the man answered and exited the room.

"At least I hope she comes back." Hoseok whispered. His forehead laid against the cool window, eyes closed and hopeful. His intentions when taking you in the first place to make sure that you would stay by his side, and be only his. It was his dream for so long, he thought it was yours too, before everything happened. Call him possessive but he had never wanted anything the way he wanted you.

The air was growing colder. Puffs of air escaped your mouth as you ran. You had no idea which path to take to get to the convenience store, but you still kept running. It seemed that Hoseok's house, no, manor was located far off from the nearest city. But it was close enough that he could get his dosage of people and sound when he desires. More homes and buildings came into sight as your legs grew tired. Then the store came into view, along with a broad-shoulder man whose face and jokes you missed dearly. When he saw you, he ran and tackled you.

"What the hell happened to you? Where are you now? I'm taking you home with me." he said in a single breath. His arms were wrapped around you tightly, as if he was afraid to let you go. "Are you okay? Are you hurt in any way?"

"I am okay," you answered. "Where I'm staying at right now doesn't matter."

He pushed you back, still holding on to your shoulders. "Of course it fucken matters." he yelled. "You're not home and that makes me along with our parents worried. You said you're at a friend's house but I know that's bullshit." Then his arms dropped to his side. "Do you not need us anymore? Are we no longer your family?" he asked quietly.

"Oppa," you urged, grabbing his hand. "You will always be my family. You will always be the people who saved my life. Right now, there's a puzzle I need to solve about myself, my past. And I need you to help me."

His eyebrows furrowed, "About your past?" he asked. Fear rose up in him. He figured this day would come, but he always pictured his parents telling you, not him. "What about it?"

"There's a person that I need to remember."

"Who?" he asked. But in his heart, he already knew who it was and he was terrified about what that box will unleash.

You took a deep breath, "Jung Hoseok."

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