Chapter 20

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You sat back in amusement and heavy confusion as Hoseok talked to his men about their various activities. Throughout the conversation, you could only pick up a few words like locations or people's names. Hoseok spoke calmly and in an inviting manner. It made the men wanted to hear him more, and it made you wanted to be closer and closer to him. It was persuasive, alluring even. Seeing him like this consolidated the fact that he wasn't a monster, he was a leader whose job was to provide for his men, his family.

A part of you did feel uncomfortable upon realizing many of their activities revolved around distributing drugs and weapons. The addiction crisis had risen in the country and you didn't feel ecstatic that he was involved with it. However, this is his life, and he's doing this to gain access to information for you. Hoseok noticed your discomfort. "Let's cut the opioid deal with the Zhang in China for now." he commanded. "I think we have enough business here."

You sighed out the breath you didn't know you have been holding. The opioid epidemic was expanding at an alarming rate and you were thankful he had said that, knowing it was for you.

"What?" an older man shouted out. "That's our biggest deal of the year. We can't just stop it. I need that money for my family."

"I already gave my orders," Hoseok dismissed. "Don't make me repeat myself. And I'll give you the money you need. That's final."

"Final my ass," the man grunted. "What kind of a leader just stop an opportunity like this?"

"The kind that cares about his men and don't want them to get addicted to the drugs themselves." Hoseok boomed, his voice emanating through the room. "But it seemed I was too late with you."

The man's face drained of colors. When he became the boss, Hoseok instructed that his men were to never try the drug or take pride in their weapons. Business was business and their character outside the mafia was important too. "You've gone soft," the man averted. "And it's probably because of that bitc-"

He never got to finish his sentence. Hoseok already had his hand wrapped severely around the man's neck. With ease, he lifted the man up. Other members were silent, observing the battle. "Do you want to continue with what you're saying?" Hoseok asked, his eyes pinned boredly on the almost lifeless man. His feet kicked the air aimlessly, his claws prying at Hoseok's hand to let him go. But the boss was not about to let the person who insulted his lover off so easily.

The man's body slammed to the ground. You could hear his bones cracking in the fog of silence. It made you wince. But you almost screamed when the man landed a punch on Hoseok's cheek. Blood fell to the ground. No one moved because it was custom not to disturb a boss in his fight, and it wasn't like he needed help anyways. His fist came down hard on the man, knocking the wind out of his chest. Hoseok was letting all his anger out, it'll show everyone else what happens if they dare to talk badly about you.

"Hoseok," you called out when you saw that the man was in an out of consciousness. Blood covered Hoseok's fist and he had no intention of stopping, not yet."Hoseok, stop!" you yelled again. His fist hung midair. Slowly, he stood up, wiping the blood from his mouth.

"You should thank Lady Y/N, she just saved your life." he prompted. "If I see you anywhere near here, or her, I'll kill you." With a wave of his hand, Yoongi and Taehyung carried the man out. It was the last time you ever saw him.


"Ouch," he recoiled.

"Stop moving you big baby," you nagged. "It doesn't even hurt that much." He pouted, hating the sensation of the cotton pad of rubbing alcohol on his face. On the other hand, he was not so subtly loving the lack of space between his face and yours. "You shouldn't have done that."

"I had to do it," he defended. "No one gets to talk to you that way without any repercussions."

"Still, now you're hurt because of me." you mumbled quietly. He saw in your eyes the concern and dismay that he wished he could take away, or absorb them himself. A smile was the best ornament on your face, and he wanted to keep it that way. He held your wrist, pulling it to his lips where he planted a small kiss. Warmth filled your body upon his tender touch.

"I would take all the pain for you, mi amor," he said with eyes closed. "I would give you the world."

"Alright, superman," you chuckled, ruffling his hair. He took the opportunity to rest his head against your stomach. He was like a lost puppy, craving love and happiness. "Thank you for defending me and for allowing me to sit in the meeting with you."

"Of course, I was really pleased that you wanted to come in the first place." he replied.

"I want to learn more about you. And when I'm near you, I'm slowly remembering things. I want to keep doing that."

"So you're just using me?" he inquired, pushing himself back from you and his face suddenly serious now. You rolled your eyes and jammed the cotton pad to his mouth, making him flinch again. "Ouch, why did you do that for?"

"Because you're dumb. I told you to stop thinking that way." you fumed. "I want to be near you because I like being near you." you blurted out unintentionally. Hoseok's heart stopped and his eyes grew until he became that one emoji.

"You like being near me?" he asked cautiously, afraid that his ear had played some sort of twisted joke on him. Your face was burning, instead of answering, you only nodded. Inside his mind, Hoseok was screaming. It should have been obvious that you weren't repulsed by his presence but it never occurred to him that you would find him pleasant. After a few seconds of internally cheering, he cleared his throat and held both of your hands.

"What's wrong?" you asked.

"Nothing is wrong," he beamed. "This just feels unreal and I want to savor every moment."

"You dork," you chuckled.

His heart gained momentum and his hands grew sweatier. He couldn't remember the last time he had been this coy, "Hey, Y/N,"


"Will you go on a date with me?"

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