Chapter 28

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It wasn't quite the top, but it was close enough. As Hoseok had predicted, he was hiding far from the fight. You kicked down the door, only to find more darkness that you didn't think was possible. Hoseok pulled you back so that he could go into the room first, aiming his gun to the front. You searched the wall for a light switch and flipped it on.

The room was intact and free of spiderwebs, unlike the catastrophe outside. In fact, it was like an office one would find in any business building. It took both you and Hoseok by surprised but your guards were still up. On the walls were paintings of sunflowers and pictures of women were lined up like awards. Dozens of framed pictures. Looking closer at one of them, your heart froze when you saw it was your mother. There was no mistake, it was the same picture on her grave and the one you've been praying to every night. She was beautiful. Unknowingly, hot tears fell down your cheeks. Hoseok was right beside you, giving you comforting hand squeezes.

"She was always my favorite," a voice spoke up. You both spun around to see a man occupying the spinning chair. He was not like what you had been picturing. A stocky man with a bald spot and unremarkable face, that's what you had remembered. But he was the complete opposite. He was tall, slender, a neat mustache, and well-groomed hair. If you had seen him in any other location, he would have passed a nice gentleman. "Too bad she didn't last very long." he continued and that was the end of your hypothetical situation.

You had always imagined what you would do when you come face to face with the man that killed your mother. You imagined stabbing his heart and stepping over his body until he feels the pain that your mother felt. You imagined telling him what a monster he is and how it will be a better place now that he's dead. But in this moment, you couldn't do any of that, you stood still, letting the fear consume you. Seeing his face, you remembered the moment he had touched you and his sadistic grin filled your mind. Your body started to recoil at the memories, making you shake. Hoseok sensed that you were relapsing into something dark, and covered your body with his.

The man got up and slowly approached you two, Hoseok's finger trailed the trigger. The man stepped closer and Hoseok took a step back with you. The rat was so close that you could smell his cologne and it brought you back to a memory you didn't want to remember. He stared at the picture of your mother. "She was a beauty, but her daughter is even prettier." His words made your skin crawl and you felt Hoseok's body tensing up.

"Shut your fucken mouth before I blow your head out. Don't you dare speak of her." he growled.

The man ignored his comment, "I've been waiting for you. To be honest, I thought you would have been here sooner. You're weak, Jung Hoseok."

"At least I can protect my men and fight alongside them instead of hiding in the shadows." he retorted.

The man scoffed. "They're meant to be used like that, why should I care about what happens to them?"

"You don't deserve to be a leader, you don't deserve to be a human." Hoseok yelled. His men were his brothers.

"Say what you want, but I would never let a woman into my business. That's what made you weak. " he jabbed. "You devoted your life to her without knowing if she really loves you or not. What if she leaves you for someone better? For someone who has a clean conscience? What will you do then?" Hoseok didn't believe anything he said, but that didn't stop the words from pricking his heart. His grip on the gun was wavering, which gave the man a chance to begin his own assault. But he was forgetting an important factor, you.

Your own gun was out and the bullet punctured his stomach. He stumbled back, hitting his desk as blood rushed out. "Now we've both committed sins," you said. "So there's no clean conscience here. I am staying with him until I die."

"How noble and romantic," the man said between breaths. He pulled something out from behind him, an opened vial of a white liquid. Hoseok's eyes widened, quickly realizing that it was pure acid. "I hope he loves you even without the pretty face," He flung it in your direction. Hoseok's feet took off as he covered your body. You heard the liquid hitting his back, and burning through the material of his jacket. Then it began to sizzle on his skin, and Hoseok bit his tongue to hold back a cry.

"Hoseok," you yelled. His body was shaking, and his weight fell on top of yours. Raising your gun, you didn't hesitate to shoot the man until what was left of his soul left his body. Outside, sirens wailed through the night and lights started filling in. Someone called the police and the building was surrounded. "Fuck, Hoseok we have to go." His lips had gone pale and his breathing was staggered.

"I don't think I can make it, you have to leave without me, mi amor." he whispered.

"What? No! I'm not leaving you." you protested.

"I'll just hold you back, you can't be caught. You deserve a better life."

"So do you, and that's final." you declared. With all of your might, you carried his body down the stairs. Hoseok found it amazing that you could remain this strong even after what happened. That inspired him to stay conscious and moved his feet. Together, you marched towards the only back exit you could find.

Once outside, you were caught, by someone you were almost glad to find.

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