Chapter 15

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"Jung Hoseok," Seokjin repeated. His lips became dried. "Why are you asking about him?"

Your heart dropped. "So he's really not a stranger." you muttered. A part of you had hoped that he was making it all up, your relationship with him, your feelings for him. But looking at how nervous Seokjin is right now, you were certain that what ever happened between you two shouldn't be taken lightly. "Who is he to me and why can't I remember him?"

"If you don't remember him then it's probably best to keep it that way." Seokjin answered harshly. "Now, I'm taking you home." He urgently grabbed your wrist, but you yanked it back.

"Oppa, no. I'm not going home until I know what happened." you stated.

"Why does it matter Y/N? That's in the past so just leave it there." Seokjin raised his voice, his cheeks growing red. He never liked yelling, especially at you. You had always been the little sister he wanted to protect.

"Because he's suffering right now and it's because of me." you answered, tears starting to burn your eyes.

Seokjin's breath was caught in his throat, "That bastard took you, didn't he?" he asked through gritted teeth. "It was him that day, I wasn't just seeing things." He shook his head. "I'm taking you to the police. He needs to be put in jail."

"No!" you argued. "I'm not going to do anything until I know the full story."

He bit his lips, hands on his hips and looked at the sky. He didn't know what he should do. If his boyfriend was here, he would help Seokjin walk through the consequences of the situation. But he was here by himself, trying to bring his sister back home. "If I tell you, will you come back with me?"

"I don't know," you answered honestly. "Depends on what you tell me." He sighed, then ushered you to take a seat in front of the convenience store while he went inside to buy you something to drink. Banana milk. He took the seat across from you, then cleared his throat.

"You Hoseok were friends, maybe more than that. I don't know the whole story because I only there for part of it. But I know that you two were like shadows, always with each other. Hoseok was obsessed with you, not in a weird way, but he craved being next to you. Sometimes, I would have to babysit you two when your father was working. I would see you two reading, painting, play pretend family. There was always laughter. His caretaker, I forgot her name, would come over often to your house when your father was out working late. You two would have frequent sleepovers. One time, when I was making you lunch, Hoseok joked that he would marry you one day and you agreed without hesitation. Before you ask, we have met each other many times before my parents took you in. You just don't remember because of the accident."

"What accident?"

Seokjin paused before going on, this would be painful for you. "Your mother didn't die of childbirth. In fact, she was alive and well for the first year of your life."

"That's impossible," you muttered. "Someone would have told me that."

"They wanted to hide the truth. One year after your birth, your mother was out grocery shopping, then she was taken by one of the mafia bosses active at the time. Your father was terrified. A week later, they found her body and the investigator said she was assaulted before the murder."

You froze, your heart stopped, the air was gone. You could only cry silently, thinking about the pain your mother was in. Even if it wasn't your fault that she died, there's nothing that could ease the pain. "Go on," you said quietly.

"The mafia boss eventually came back, for you. Your father didn't leave because of his debt, he left because the mafia took him away. We still don't know what happened to him. But when the boss found you, you were drugged an alarming amount. It sent you into shock, and the doctor explained to us that it was the reason why your memories were blurred."

The tears flow out like a river. A knot formed in your throat as your hands went numb. You hugged your body tightly, "Did...did that man..."

"No," Seokjin interjected. "He did not touch you in any way. Hoseok was the one who found you and fought with the boss and his men until the cops showed up. But the boss escaped, and no one knows where he went."

You blinked, "So Hoseok saved me?"

"Something like that." Seokjin mumbled quietly.

"Then why wasn't he in my life anymore after that?" you asked. It doesn't make sense that he would just disappear like that, if he had indeed loved you and wanted to protect you.

Seokjin proceeded, "The doctor said anyone from your past could bring up negative emotions when you're in the process of recovering. It was easy for me and my parents to get close to you because you associated us with your parents, whom you loved. But Hoseok would be associated with the mafia boss and being near him would cause you to relapse. So I told him that it would be best if he didn't show up around you anymore. He did as told. "

You gasped, covering your mouth. Everything Seokjin told you was awful, and the stories made you want to crawl into bed and cry for weeks. But you felt something else too, anger. "It's my fault that he's like this."

"No, it's not." Seokjin stated firmly. "Whatever happened to him is entirely his fault. Now let's go home."

"No!" you yelled. Standing up from the table, your head was spinning. Seokjin caught your shoulders but you pushed him back. "You lied to me, kept my life in the dark. You hid something so horrible from me. Not only that, you made him think it was his fault. You made him think that he would hurt me if he had stayed by my side."

"It would have hurt you."

"But it wouldn't have been his fault!" you cried. "He needed me, you knew that. Everyone knew that. Even right now, I can feel that he needed me back then but you pushed him away and kept everything a secret from me."

"I did it to protect you, Y/N." Seokjin wailed. "My parents and I truly love you as if you were our family and you will always be that."

"Hoseok thought I was his family too, but I forgot about him." you said to yourself. "I'm not going home, not until I settle things with him."

"Y/N, that's ridiculous. You can't go back into the wolf's den. It's too dangerous."

"No," you shook your head. "Being with him is the safest place for me right now. And don't follow me." Seokjin's brain told him to not listen to you, but his feet didn't move. In fact, he was quite hurt that you chose someone else over your family. At the same time, he knew you needed Hoseok just as much as he needed you. Then and now. He watched as you disappear, admitting that it was his fault for your separation in the first place. 

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