Chapter 21

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It was desolate, not a soul in sight. Waves of blue light coming from the tanks moved tranquilly on the gray carpet. At least you thought it was gray, the lack of light made it hard to determine. Hoseok's eyes grew double in size and mouth hung open as he took the scene in. It was the first time he had been back at the aquarium in years and he couldn't imagine being here with anyone else other than you.

When you said yes to the date, Hoseok was floating in heaven. His body felt light and his mind was blank, except for the thought of spending more time with you. The aquarium was the first place he thought about. It held a special memory in his heart. He considered it to be his first date with you all those years back. In reality, both of you were 9 and Areum was right behind, keeping a watch over you two. Still, he got to hold your hand and showed you all the animals he had studied the night before in order to impress you. The sensation of cold glass against his skin in the summer heat was his favorite. He also loved the sound of other kids laughing and smiling, being accompanied by the people they love. That's how life should be, overflow with love and warmth.

After beaming for a few more minutes, Hoseok got down to the logistics of things. He explained that it would be difficult for the two of you to go out together without people getting suspicious, since you were technically missing from home. He racked his brain around a possible solution. It wouldn't be advisable to just go out in the open when he had numerous enemies who would be happy to get their claws on him. There was no doubt in his mind that he could take on all of them, but he would never risk putting you in the crossfire.

That was when you suggested buying out the entire place. That was the last thing Hoseok thought you would say, considering you weren't fond of his spending spree. "Really?" he had asked.

"Yeah," you confirmed. "We can enjoy the place all to ourselves."

And that's why the whole aquarium was ghost silent except for the sound of clattering footsteps and fishes in their artificial habitats. His men were stationed in various locations in case of any unprecedented danger, but for the most part, it was just the two of you. Hoseok felt giddy inside, like a teenage boy unable to hide how head over heels he is for someone.

Your hand was glued to his and any time he gets excited about an exhibit, he would pull you and jumps around as he talked about the scene in front. It was so different from everything you have seen of him before. It took you back to when you were little, when innocence was the air around you and Hoseok was the sun. It was a beautiful time and you were so glad to be experiencing that again. He really did need you to feel like a normal person, and you were certain you would always be around for him, just for him.

One of the exhibits was in a well-lit room, with beach-like decorations and an open tank where stingrays roamed freely. Unlike with all the other exhibits, Hoseok stood further away. "Are you scared?" you teased.

"N-no, o-of course not." he denied, a nervous smile formed on his face. He can be a terrible liar.

"Aww, my Hobi is afraid." you laughed. His smile dropped when he suddenly tugged you closer, cupping your face.

"What did you just called me?" he asked. You panicked, believing that you had said something wrong. His grip on you was tight, but it wasn't out of frustration or annoyance. It was contemplation.

"Hobi?" you answered carefully. The word rolled off your tongue in a familiar fashion, so much weight and feelings behind it. To Hoseok, it was dynamite and he could blow up any second. And he did.

Throwing his arms out and engulfing you."I didn't think I would ever get to hear that again," he sighed out of relief. "You used to call me Hobi and it would make my heart flutter."

You did remember that, it was to represent how utterly adorable he was. It was for something else too. "Is your heart fluttering now, Hobi?"

"My heart is a pavillion," he exclaimed in exaggeration. His grin engulfed his entire face as he pulled you to the stingrays. Fear was nothing to him at this point, he felt daring in your present, like he could do anything. A stingray, feeling his boldness, decided to splash water on his face to cool him off. You burst into laughter and helped him dry off as he pouted. But he could never be mad at you.

"Tell me about the boys," you began. You two were sitting on the ground, heads leaned against the wall as you both stared into the tank that went up to the ceiling. Schools of fish floated in what seemed like thin air. Arrays of colors filled both your visions. "Your relationship with them seems different from everyone else."

Hoseok pondered on his thought, "You could say they were the reason I'm still sane. Yoongi hyung and Taehyung were there before me, Jungkook and Jimin after I became the boss. I think it's because we're so close in age, they took it as a sign that they could annoy the hell out of me, the young ones rather than Yoongi, though hyung has his moments. And while they can be serious on missions, they were also carefree. They had lives outside the mafia, a life I could never afford. In a way, I was envious of them so I try to live vicariously through them. When I'm in trouble, I can always count on them in specific. They're honest, too honest sometimes, and they're so kind despite all that they do. All that I make them do."

"You're not making them do anything," you chimed in. "I can see how they talk to you that you are important to them. They love you."

"Love," he repeated slowly. "I guess I love them too." Then there was silence as you two continued to enjoy the solitude.

"And I love you, Hobi."

His feet stopped dancing around. His fingers stopped tapping on your hand. Time stopped. The fish swam away, as to not disturb the couple as the distance between their lips vanished.

But someone else had been there, satisfied that they finally found a weakness. 

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