Chapter 27

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Hoseok zipped up your leather jacket, then pulled you into a deep kiss. If it had been any other day, you would have melted into his touch and wanted nothing more than to have him wrapped his arms around your body. But tonight was different, there was a mission at hand. And he knew that, which was the only reason why he pulled back. "It's not too late for you to stay home," he said.

"You know I would never let you do this alone," you answered. "And I want to be the one to kill that bastard." Hoseok grinned, feeling proud of his lover. But he was also terrified for your safety. While you have gotten better with your fighting skills, it had been with his men who wouldn't hurt you. Tonight would be the real deal, the danger won't hold back. Hoseok vowed internally that he would be your shield, no matter the consequences. He had always been ready to give his life to you, though that wouldn't be his most desired outcome.

The rest of his men were dressed and their weapons equipped at the hideout. Their faces were blank canvases and what happens tonight will be their paint. Even the boys were the same, calm and quiet, which was unusual for them. Except for Yoongi, of course. It never occurred to you that they might be scared. Despite their years of experience, no mission is ever the same and nothing guarantees their safety. They really dive into everything because of their love and dedication to Hoseok. You were thankful that they continue to stay by his side even with his faults. And you hope that they will always be his friends after whatever happens today.

"Thank you for coming tonight," Hoseok began. "In all the years that I have been here, you all have been my family and I'm grateful for every one of you. Tonight's mission is the one that I have been waiting for. And I am announcing that if tonight goes well and we take out the mafia boss, then it will be my last mission." Everyone in the room gasped, including yourself. He hadn't talked to you about this revelation, you thought it probably had to do with his uncertainty of the future. But it seemed that the boys had heard whispers of this, they weren't surprised, or at least they pretended not to be. "I have been your leader for too long, it's time for someone else to step up and lead you into a brighter future."

"Who will it be?" someone asked.

"Who else?" Hoseok chuckled. "No one is better at ordering people around, except me, than Yoongi hyung."

"Yah," Yoongi protested. "I'm better than you. But let's worry about that later. Let's go kill this fucker."


Lighting stroke in the sky, casting blue and white hues over the abandoned building. That's what everyone in town thought, abandoned and it was the perfect place to conjure up something evil. Hoseok's men surrounded the perimeter, blending in with the shadows of the night while watching figures going into the building for the nightly meeting. No one could have expected Hoseok to attack two places at once, that was the element of surprise. He gave the signal, then everyone rushed to the building like parasites.

The hallways were dark and damp. Spiderwebs occupied the vacant corner intersections. It was right out of a horror movie. You inhaled some breath air from outside before following Hoseok somewhere to the basement. That was where the men had gathered and the guards outside instinctively took out their guns to shoot at the enemies approaching. Hoseok guarded your body while his men took the lead in combating the gunshots. The sound didn't faze you, nor did the blood.

Slowly, men from the other side fell and their blood mixed with the rust on the walls and rat feces on the ground. Due to the ruckus outside, more men from behind a set of double doors came filling in and like their predecessor, all fell down. Taehyung and Yoongi took the lead and led the team into the room, which resembles a warehouse. Jimin and Jungkook stayed on the sides, and Hoseok, being the alpha, stay at the end with you to make sure no one gets left behind. The gun show began immediately as soon as the doors opened. Hoseok didn't give you a gun, but you wish he did. He had no intention of giving you a weapon until it was absolutely crucial, he didn't want to corrupt you entirely. He wanted to leave some innocence for you to be able to sleep at night.

More screams filled the room, it was deafening and the room felt like it was morphing into a bloody nightmare. A few of Hoseok's men fell down. He clenched his jaws, feeling his heart hurting with their pain, but kept going. Glancing around the room, you didn't find the man you were looking for. None of the dead bodies resonated the same vileness you felt from his touch long ago.

Hoseok focused on the targets to his left side, but someone was approaching from the back. In the moment of adrenaline, you kicked the closest object to you, which was a chair. It flung to the assailant's stomach, causing him to grunt and dropped his weapon. You took the chance to kick his weak spot elbowed him down to the ground. You took his gun, just for precautions. Hoseok spun around and nodded a thank you.

"Hyung, go find him, we'll take care of things here." Jungkook yelled. His cheek was bruised resulted in a punch from a close combat moment. Instead of answering, Hoseok grabbed your hand and ran out of the room.

"This building is massive, how are we going to find him?" you asked.

"If he's the coward I know he is, he'll be somewhere far from the battle." Hoseok answered. There was only one place that fits that description, the top. 

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