Chapter 26

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The moment has come, the one Hoseok has been waiting for. New information came from his undercover men regarding the location of the bastard who killed your mother and hurt you. Hoseok gripped the papers, his blood is boiling and he was ready to kill. You were right beside him, your hand firmly on his shoulder. The fire burning through you, but now was not the time to release it. Soon. Everything will be ablaze under his hands, and yours.

"He left town a few years back to grow his number. That's why he had been so quiet." Jimin explained, going over his notes. "With that goal accomplished, it seems that he has returned to rebuild his base here. One of our informants caught a small drug transaction on the market and that's how we were able to find him. I'm sure he'll be aiming for the entire drug market."

"That prick has the nerves to come back here knowing what he did and what I'll do to him." Hoseok scoffed. "What are his numbers?".

Jimin hesitated to answer, glancing around nervously. "Triple our size, hyung." Jungkook reported in his place. "He didn't bring all of them back here. They've scattered the entire country."

"Fuck," Hoseok grunted, tilting his head back until it hit the back of the chair, where he found you smiling comfortly at him. He took your hand and kissed it, knowing that it was a sensitive subject for you. "We can't take him on right now, at least not with his large numbers."

"Why don't we start with his limbs?" you asked. Every turned their heads to you in surprised, they hadn't expect you to speak up let alone suggest something so violent.

Hoseok was the most worried, it wasn't like you to be this harsh."What?"

"Even the greatest predator can't survive without its body." you said blankly. "If we eliminate his men furthest from him, it will be easier for us to get to him in the end."

To Hoseok, it made perfect sense, he would be cutting off essential supply lines. But there was still an uneasy feeling about your behavior in his heart. Show kindness, that's what you always preached for him. A rat doesn't deserve kindness, he told himself. "Okay, let's do that." Hoseok declared to his men. "Yoongi and Taehyung, keep an eye on the mafia boss and tell me if he moves an inch from his base."

"Yes, sir." the two of them saluted.

"Jimin and Jungkook, find me the coordinates of his men. Everyone else, begin preparation to exterminate them. This is a crucial mission, don't let me or Lady Y/N down." Many of the men nodded, seeing the logic behind the plan. And it has been engraved in them that this would be their greatest mission under Hoseok. Others were still hesitant, but they nodded nonetheless as to not upset their boss. The meeting adjourned for the day.

Once you got back home, Hoseok immediately led you up the stairs and laid you on his bed. Your eyes were wide, no hints of emotions in them. He clenched his jaws and leaned down. When you didn't try to fight him or tease him, he knew something was definitely wrong. He sighed, then dropped his weight next to you on the bed. But it wasn't long until his arms were around your body as his head rested on the crook of your neck. "You're not okay, right?" he asked.

"No. I'm not." you answered honestly, stroking his hair. "Sorry. Something just came over me today. It was like something took over me once I heard about him and how his influence grew. It disgusts me. And it scares me. When I close my eyes, I can see his face hovering my body." You shuttered. Hoseok frowned and it was his turn to engulf you in his chest.

"No monsters will ever lay a hand on you ever again. I promise. I'll fight them for them, every last one." he vowed. You hummed a response, but the two of you eventually fell asleep, enveloped in each other's warmth and protection.

Over the next few weeks, Hoseok's men began taking out the enemies one location at a time. He let the boys took charge of the missions because they were capable and handling themselves and if Hoseok were to step into the scene, it would cause a ruckus and the mafia boss would hide like he always does. They never saw the attacks coming, it happened all at once and the other boss was caught in a stalemate. He was slowly losing his business and his mind.

"Thank you for all of your hard work. He's weak right now. This is the time for us to move in and take him out once and for all." Hoseok announced.

"We're with you, Hoseok," Yoongi stated. "Just say the word and we'll go."

Hoseok smiled in admiration at his hyung, sometimes you thought he was in love with Yoongi. But then again, they're all in love with each other to some extent. "We move in tomorrow, simultaneously while our group takes out his last men in Daegu."

"Can I come with you?" you asked. He was going to say no, but it's still worth a shot.

He exhaled carefully, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. "I don't think I can stop you if you've already set your mind on this."

"Thank you." you replied.

"Boss," someone from the back yelled out. "No offense to Lady Y/N but I don't think it's a good idea for her to come with us."

"And why not?" Hoseok challenged.

"She's not a good fit for the mission and I don't want our men to be in danger while trying to watch over her."

"Watch over her? She's not a child." Yoongi defended.

"But she doesn't have the training and it's too risky to have her around." the man argued. Hoseok didn't even bat an eye when he saw you standing up and strolled over to the man in your leather pants. In fact, he was loving the view. Despite being much taller than you, the aura radiating from your body made the man shrink. "L-lady Y/N, please don't misunderstand-"

He didn't get to finish his sentence before you roundhouse kicked his face. The wind escaped from his lungs as he landed on the ground with a thud. Everyone around you gasped, minus the boys and Hoseok who have been giving you martial arts lessons. It was primarily for self-defense, but Hoseok was happy to let you practice on his men, especially ones who would disrespect you like this.

"That's what you get for talking to my girl like that." he chuckled innocently. 

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