Chapter 19

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Hoseok soon realized a flaw in his plan. When he bought the outfit for you, his intention was that he would be the only one who gets to enjoy the sight of you in it. However, that was not the case right now. He had been too thrilled that you wanted to come along with him that he had forgotten one of the most pivotal parts. There were other men around, and as men tend to do in the presence of a beautiful woman, they were gawking at you as soon as you stepped out of the car.

Men lined up on either side of the car to welcome their leader. They bowed down respectfully as you both walked towards the building. But occasionally, they would steal a glance as you walked by, blessing them with your scent and sight. Hoseok felt anger and jealousy rising from within, something he had never expected to feel with his men. He had always been on top, and he planned to keep it that, especially with his masterpiece. Glaring down at his men with every step until they quivered with fear and recognitions of who's in charge, Hoseok pulled you closer by the waist. So close that your shadows merged together as one.

As you had been expecting, the meeting place was somewhere far off from the city. Like a secret castle had sprung up from the earth and had instilled its presence in the heart of all the mafia members. From the exterior, it resembled a museum. "It is a museum," Hoseok explained as you entered through a set of porcelain white double doors. The air of the room pushed past your face. The walls were black with pristine gold accents. Pictures hung neatly in golden frames. Some artifacts were encased in glass and displayed on high-rising pedestals. "Mainly for us," he continued. "Everything here is our history, our progress. It's not open to the public, of course."

"Can we look around?" you asked with wide eyes. Hoseok was in pure bliss that you used "we" instead of "I". He had ascended somewhere else when you grabbed his hand and dragged him from one picture to the next. At every one, he would explain what happened. You should have felt fear, this isn't child's play. This place is used for illegal activities. However, being next to him and seeing how proud he speaks of his men and what they have done, you were starting to look at everything in a new light. These men are passionate about what they do, and no matter what that passion it, it should be respected. Besides, he hasn't killed anyone and you were certainly glad about that. "Aren't you scared that the police might use this as evidence against you?"

"This place won't show up on most maps. And on the registry, it's a non-profit museum. We haven't done anything wrong." he winked. "Now, let's go. Everyone is waiting for us." You suddenly felt completely aware that you were holding his hand. It was incredibly soft and warm, with few rough patches where his scars engraved themselves permanently on his skin. Battle wounds, a reminder that he's alive and he's fighting for something. You.

At the end of the hallway was another set of double doors with golden lion heads as doorknobs. They moved back automatically as he approached. You were starting to question again if he had any superpowers but that thought dissipates when heard and saw the commotion behind the doors. Dozens of men in black scattered throughout the spacious room like a murder of crow. Similar to the outside, the interior of the room was black, but the windows gave a heavenly illumination.

The men were either yelling or just conversing very loudly with each other. Their ages ranged from young teens to people who could be Hoseok's father. Looking at some of their faces, you would never have imagined they'd be a part of the mafia. But then again, Hoseok is beautiful and doesn't look like he belongs here. Appearances can be deceiving. All at once, the talking and commotion stopped when they saw Hoseok entering. Then they transitioned into a formation, military-style where everyone lined up according to their rank. All while that was happening, Hoseok gently led you to his chair that resembled a throne, they also prepared one for you.

"Good morning, Boss." they bowed at the same time.

"Good morning, everyone." Hoseok smiled. "There's someone I want you to meet." When you were about to stand up, he pressed his hand against yours, indicating that you didn't need to do anything. "This is Y/N. You are to address her only as Lady Y/N. And don't talk to her unless I permit."

"Yes, boss."

"Talk to me whenever you want to," you chimed in. Hoseok gave you a look but you returned it with a cute frown. He couldn't resist and rolled his eyes playfully.

"Yes, Lady Y/N."

"Wow, Hoseokie hyung finally got himself a girlfriend." someone near the front said. His smile was the first thing you noticed about him, along with his tall frame and curly hair. If you had seen him in any other instance, you would have thought he was a model. Despite that, he was intimidating to look at for long. Sharp jaws, round eyes that could turn deadly in seconds. Another male beside him slapped his shoulder lightly. He was much shorter than the first one, but wiser. The victim faked a cry and pouted. The daunting aura was gone, as if he was another person.

"Taehyung," the other man said. His hair was pure white, making him look like an animation than real life. His eyes were cat-like, narrowing on his boss and the boss's lover. You suddenly felt self-conscious. "Don't make fun of the boss now. He's probably very embarrassed." Then he broke into a laugh, and Jimin joined him. Hoseok moved slightly and you were afraid he was going to pounce at them. Instead, his cheeks flushed and he covered his face shyly.

"Yoongi hyung, shut up." he whined like a child. You were in shock that he could be like this in such a tense environment. It made you questioned the kind of violence he could produce.

"Aww, he's blushing." another man said, or rather boy. He was definitely younger than the rest, with doe eyes and a wide grin. He's the kind of person that holds people dearly and the people here are his family.

"Jungkook, don't point that out." someone chuckled. The same height as Yoongi, well, that's debatable.

"Thanks, Jimin," Hoseok exhaled. He timidly looked over at you, hoping you wouldn't notice how flustered he is. While you were enjoying the sight, you assured him that he was still cool. He truly felt that he was a king, with power and the love he needs. He cleared his throat and faced the front to look at his men.

"Let's get down to business."

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