Chapter 10

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I stood against the wall, trying to support myself and not fall to my knees. I knew that I should be terrified by them, but to say the truth, I couldn't find that fear anywhere. I was confused a bit, but not scared. "Why did he die with the silver knife?" I asked out loud. Leon looked relieved and Chase a little impressed. 

"Well, vampires can be killed with silver. Not necessarily with a wooden stake, that just makes us weak and really pissed off." Leon answered. I nodded and then tried to stand up straight. I winced in pain and Leon appeared next to me. He took hold of my arm and took me to the living room.

"Damn, I hate this." I said, through gritted teeth. I sat down on the couch and winced again. Leon looked a little worried and I forced a smile. "I'm okay. It doesn't hurt that bad." I lied. I could tell Leon didn't buy it. He stood up and went to the kitchen. Chase made his way slowly towards me and then sat infront of me.

"I can help you get rid of the pain." he said. I looked at him confused and then he smirked. "You just have to agree and I can do it." I sat back and closed his eyes. 

"Okay." I said. He opened his eyes and then turned to look at me. He lifted his hand and touched my cheek. I closed my eyes and then felt his warm lips against my soft ones. He pulled away and I opened my eyes slowly. His eyes were filled with lust. I tried to get away from him but I wasn't able to move. He smirked and then pulled me into another kiss, this time it was longer and rougher. 

When he pulled away, I couldn't move my arms and I started to feel tired. I started to breathe faster and harder. I couldn't keep my eyes open and it felt like there was something holding me down. I started falling into a deep sleep. I heard Leon's voice, but it was muffled as I drifted in deeper.


It was dark when I woke up. I opened my eyes and glanced at the ceiling. I blinked a couple of times trying to remember what had happened. I sat up and glanced at the clock on the wall. It read 6:25. I stood up and headed for the kitchen. My dad would be here any minute with Terry and I didn't even have dinner ready. I turned on the light and saw the knife on the counter. 

It was clean but it still gave me the chills. I washed it again and then put it away. I took out some chicken and heard a noise behind me. I turned around fast, dropping the chicken and saw Chase leaning against the wall. He looked at me as a prices possession. I sighed and picked up the chicken. "Are you just gonna stand there pretty boy?" I asked. As soon as the words left my mouth, I started blushing like crazy. 

I washed the chicken and took off some of the fat. I turned on the stove and placed the pan on the flame. I turned back to season the chicken,but Chase pushed me out of the way. "I got this baby girl." he said. I laughed and shook my head. I washed my hands and then turned on the radio. The song Fireworks by Katy Perry was on and I smiled.

I turned to Chase and he was watching me. "I love this song." I told him. He smiled at me and put down the seasoning. He grabbed my hands and started dancing with me. I laughed as he turned me around the kitchen. He held me close to his body and I started feeling hot. He looked me in the eyes and I felt my face redden. We stopped moving and his hand moved from my hips to my face. He leaned down and gave me a soft kiss. I closed my eyes and lifted my hands to his arms. 

He licked my lower lip for entrance and when I hesitated, he pulled away. I was breathing faster then usual and my heart was pounding in my ears. I cleared my throat and opened my mouth to say something. He pulled me into a deep kiss thrusting his tongue into my mouth when I opened it. I moaned softly and I felt his hard on. I pit his lip softly and he picked me up with ease. He carried me to my room and laid me on the bed. He started kissing me down my neck and then looked at me in the eyes.

I pulled him into a deep kiss and started unbuttoning his short. I managed to slip it off him. I ran my hands across his chest and abs. He was sexy. He kissed my jaw and then sucked on my neck leaving a hickie. He pulled my shirt off and started unzipping my jeans when I heard the front door open. Chase grunted and then rolled off me. I pulled on my shirt and then checked in the mirror to see if I looked bad. I had a red, huge hickie on my neck and my cheeks were flushed.

"Damn." I said running a hand through my hair. I turned to look at Chase on my bed. He had his hands behind his head and he wasn't wearing a shirt. I gave him a kiss and then pulled away. "Stay here." I said. and closed the door to my room. I moved my hair to hide the hickie and then opened the door. Terry and Leon stood outside in the cold. "Come in." I said. Leon waited for Terry to get inside. Terry smiled at me and then made his way to the kitchen. Leon walked in after him, slowly.

I started walking to the kitchen but was pulled back roughly. "You should've said no." he said and then let me go. I turned away from him and then went to the stove. 

"I hope you don't mind some chicken." I told Terry. He sat on the stool and shook his head.

"Anything is better than hospital food." he said laughing. I smiled and then put the chicken in the hot pan.


After dinner, Terry took some pain medicine and fell asleep. Leon didn't talk to me the whole night and when he left, he didn't say goodbye. i was a little confused as to why he was acting this way but I didn't question him. I cleaned up for a while then went to my bed. I started taking my shirt off in the hallway and opened the door. It was dark so I just threw it on the bed. 

"Hey baby girl." I heard Chase say behind me. I jumped about ten feet up in the air and turned to glared at him. He stood in the moonlight shirtless. I felt my mouth water and I found myself making my way to him. I kissed his chest then I kissed his lips. He deepened the kiss and pushed me down on the bed. "i was beginning to wonder when you would get here." he said chuckling.  

I took off his belt and pulled down his jeans. "Slow down baby girl. I wanna do some of the work." he said pulling my pants off easily. I was in my panties and my bra. He started kissing me again and unclipped my bra. 

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