Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Leon's point of view

We turned at the sound of some crash coming from downstairs. I felt Aly stiffen next to me and I decided to check it out. "Stay here." I told her. I started descending down the stairs but she had followed me instead. I didn't want her to see something that would reveal our secret but I couldn't just leave her.

I headed to the living room and saw that one of the old trees from the back yard had fallen down and went straight through the window. I saw Chase coming from the other side with his eyes brighter than ussual. "Aly, get all the things and take them to my room. I'll help Chase clean up." I told her. She nodded and gathered all our work and the baby and headed upstairs.

When she was out of site and I knew she couldn't hear us I turned to Chase. "what the hell did you do?" I asked. He gave me an innocent smile.

"she tastes just as good as she smell. But dont worry, I didnt harm her, I just tasted the blood from the blade. You do know how to pick them brother." he said. I glared and then went to the tree. I easily lifted it up and flung it back outside. I looked at Chase and saw him start cleaning up the leafs and the water.

I grabbed a large plastic to cover the whole on the wall and Chase helped me put it up. It took Aly a long time for her to come back downstairs and if it weren't for her heartbeat, i would have become worried.

She came downstairs when we had finsihed everything. She didn't seem to be taken suprised but she did look a little spectical. I looked at her and gave her a smile. she returned it but it didnt reach her eyes. She looked around for a while and her eyes landed on my cd collection.

She immideatly went to them and started looking through them. She picked one out and then showed it to me. It was AC/DC. I walked up to her and then took it from her. I put it in my Sony steroe and pressed play. It started playing Highway to hell andI saw her smile. "I love them." she told me and grabbed my hand and started dancing through my living room. I danced with her and we laughed.

I spun her around and somehow, we fell on the couch. I was on top of her and she had her eyes close a smile playing across her face. In all my life, I had never seen any other girl as beautiful as her. She was perfect even when she didn't know it. I leaned down, without thinking, and kissed her softly. She froze under me and I pulled away. "I'm sorry." I said and sat up. She leaned on her elbows and her hair fell around her face. She had dirty blond hair that reached midway down her back and her honey-brown eyes were like nothing I had ever seen.

I got off the couch and she sat up all the way. I could see her blushing and then she looked at me. "It was my fualt. I was just trying to distract myself a little." she said. She got up and looked for her hair tie. She gave up when she didn't find it and went back to the kitchen. Chase had finished making the food.

She sniffed and smiled. "That smells good." she said. He chuckled and then served for everyone. "Lets eat." he said and got out some wine.

"I don't drink." she said. chase looked at her.

"Who's gonna know? Just one time wont hurt anybody." he said. She nodded and then grabbed the cup. chase filled it up and then she took a big drink. I saw her make a face and I started laughing. She looked at me and I took a drink from my cup.

Alcohol didn't really have any affect on me if it was just one drink. she looked at me in aw when I chugged it all. "I know who has been to a lot of parties." she muttered.

"You have no idea." Chase said. She turned to look at him and smiled. She lifted the cup to her lips again and this time, she drank the whole thing. She put down the cup and then shook her head. this time she didn't make a face but she was breathing hard. she turned to Chase again and held up her cup. he poured more wine on it and again she drank the whole thing. She slammed the cup down and started eating. She finished it after her fourth cup of wine, which I thought was a bad idea, since it washer first time drinking.

We walked back to the kicthen and I had a wine bottle in my hands. I was drinking from it, not giving Aly any of it. She stumbled a little at first but then she was able to walk percetly. We had been sitting in the living room when she turned to look at me.

"I had a dream about you once." she said. "the first night you came to my house. I was running away from you and when you called out my name, I stopped. you catched up to me and then yourface stransformed into some ugly thing and then you bit me. Like the vampires." she told me.

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