CtC Day 2: Secret Santa

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Warnings: Depressive thoughts

~~~~~ SECRET SANTA ~~~~~

False closed her eyes, rifling through the glass bowl dramatically.

"Oh, just pick one already!" Cleo giggled in exasperation.

"Ok, ok!" False cried in mock offense. Then, very slowly, and very extravagantly, she pulled a little folded card out of the bowl. Opening hers, she smiled cheekily.

"My turn!" Stress rejoiced. The three of them had decided to have a mini Secret Santa, having heard the server-wide one often resulted in mass pranking and destruction. Stress quickly selected her card, much to Cleo's relief. Cleo carelessly grabbed the last card. Everyone, it seemed, had gotten exactly who they wanted.

~~~~~ SECRET SANTA ~~~~~

Days later, after delivering her Secret Santa gift, Stress had completely forgotten about the whole ordeal. She was sitting on her bed, staring up at the ice ceiling emotionlessly. Why hadn't she chosen a warm, sunny area for her base? Hardly anyone came 'round to vist due to the cold weather. Bitterly, Stress noted that if say, Cleo or False, had an ice base, she would visit them. No matter the weather. It always felt like she was a tryhard. Desperately clinging to others, wanting their affection. Idly, Stress wondered if other hermits were talking about her right now. Probably saying things like, 'Stress if so annoying, don't you wish she would just leave?'. Stress then realized with a start that she was crying. She hadn't cried in a long time. The tears froze as they fell, so she wiped the mini ice droplets off her cheek. Getting up, Stress admonished herself for being so weak. She opened her closet to look for a coat, she had to go shopping. Then, she noticed a small metallic baby blue box, complete with a pearly white ribbon, snug in the corner of the lowest shelf of the closet.

"W-what the?" Stress sniffled, hiccuping a little at the end. She reached for the box, grabbing it and sitting down on her bed. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she carefully unraveled the ribbon and opened the petite box. Stress couldn't hold in her gasp. It was a beautiful white gold necklace, with a thin chain and a quarter-sized heart-shaped locket hanging from it. The locket was an outstanding piece of craftsmanship, intricately placed what she assumed were light blue Swarovski crystals surrounding the edge of the heart. But what really took her breath away was the precariously engraved message on the center of the back shell of the locket. The tiny elegant calligraphy had a heartwarming message she would never forget. 'Your smile lights up the world'. Eyes watering, she opened the locket, and was brought to full-on crying. It was an old photo Iskall had taken a while ago, after tagging along on their picnic. Cleo was tickling False, who had spilled her water on Stress, who had tripped and fallen on top of Cleo and False. Iskall had somehow managed to catch the moment perfectly. Stress gingerly took the note from the bottom of the box. 'Merry Early Christmas! Hope you like the gift, you deserve all the love in the world! ~Your Secret Santa'. That's when Stress broke. All the tears she had been holding back poured out into a joyous, hiccupy mess of salty liquids. She had never felt so loved in her entire life. With shaky hands, she delicately clasped the locket around her neck.

Tearfully, she wondered if her gift-receiver loved their gift as much as she loved her Secret Santa gift.

They did.

~~~~~ SECRET SANTA ~~~~~

Word Count: ~595

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