CtC Day 4: Fireplace

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~~~~~ FIREPLACE ~~~~~

Stress sat in silence, not at all affected by the lack of socialization. She watched the flames crackle, the repetitive sound and warm air from the fireplace had long sent her into a cozy sense of unawareness. The universe was blurry, her eyes trained on the fire. No thoughts, no disturbances, no worries. This was her utopia, and the fireplace, the flames, they were the gateway that brought her there. It was perfect, so perfect, so hazy, that Stress wondered if it was even real. At the time, everything seemed surreal. Her conscious was humming, and her subconscious nonexistent.

As the fire died, so did her utopian dimension. Everyone had always assumed the Ice Queen would hate fire, and, Stress supposed, maybe before she did. But now? Never. Finally being brought back to reality back cool air, she did a double take as she glanced at the clock. Had she really just spaced out watching a fireplace for four and a half hours?

Well, she supposed everyone needed some me-time.

~~~~~ FIREPLACE ~~~~~

Word Count: ~172

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