CtC Day 3: Christmas Lights

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"I. Swear. To. GOD. XISUMA!" Exy grit out. He had been rudely pulled out of his beauty sleep by his bratty twin brother. For some absurd reason he could not fathom, the irritating admin had deemed it crucial to wake him up at 4:30 AM to decorate their little abode with Christmas vomit. Why had he moved in again?

"Exy~! Wake up! I just found out that everyone except us has Christmas decor up!" Xisuma panicked.

"What the hell Xisuma?! It's 4:30 AM! I don't give a f-" Exy was cut off by X shoving a disapproving finger to his brother's lips.

"No swearing! Now," X yanked the sheets off of his unsuspecting roommate, who grasped desperately at the covers in X's hands, yet to no avail, "Get. Up!"

"I hate you," Exy groaned as he slowly rolled out of bed.

"Love you too, now here are the lights we're going to be putting up," X shoved a box into the other's hands, "And then we're gonna put up a tree, hang ornaments and wreaths, and decorate the yard. Okay? Good!" he finished, not waiting to hear Exy's response.


"Ugh... these are so ugly, X!" Exy complained, not a fan of the large strings of red and green glowing orbs.

"Oh, shush you! I think they're delightful!" X admonished, "Now go! I'm already halfway finished with my lights, you haven't even started!" They worked in silence, until-

"Ummm... Xisuma?" Exy gulped. X sighed and turned around,

"What is it this ti- oh my lord!" he gasped. Exy had somehow managed to get himself entangled in his strand of Christmas lights. Unfortunately for him, he was hanging lights from the roof, and was currently dangling precariously from the edge, wrapped in a flurry of Christmas colors.

"Help me! Hello?! Help, stupid!" Exy snapped. Slightly affronted, X glared at him playfully,

"Well I was going to help you, but since you've been so whiny, maybe I should leave for just a little longer! Y'know, so you learn your lesson!" he drawled mischievously.

"Oh my god! Nononono! Lesson totally learned! Xisuma! Xisuma wait!" Exy called after his brother desperately.

"It's a low roof, you'll be fine~~!" X giggled, snapping a few photos of his poor companion, then sitting himself on couch inside, making sure Exy could see him there, all cuddled up and warm.

"Xisum- AHHH!" Exy shrieked, the hideous lights finally relenting and dropping him a few feet into a bush.


"I hate you, you know that right?" Exy pouted. He was now all curled up next to his brother, who just smiled sweetly.

"Nuh-uh! You love~~ me!" X teased good-naturedly. Exy blushed and looked down,

"S-shut up Xisuma!"


Word Count: ~460

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