Our Little Miracle (Dramione)

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Hermione looked at Draco with tears in her eyes. It was the night before the war, and he was holding his wand up at his temple. "Please, Draco, you don't have to do this…. Me and the baby will be okay! I promise! Please, don't do…" The tears began streaming as she pleaded. "Hermione, love, I have to…. I have to keep you both safe… I love you so much..." He began to cry as he whispered, "Obliviate…" And his eyes fell blank.

Flashback to 8.5 months prior, night of Conception

Draco held Hermione close as he kissed her. They'd had an amazing day, as their anniversary he had planned it as so. They fell off into a peaceful rest, stuck to each other like glue, neither thinking of what was to come.

Hermione woke up the next day and woke him as well, kissing him gently. "Draco, darling, wake up!" She said cheerily. She was positively glowing. "Hermione, love, it's seven in the morning, can we simply go back to sleep?" He begged out. It was Sunday, they'd no reason to be up and about. She giggles and laid back down. "Alright love." He held her as she drifted back off.

Two weeks later, Hermione awoke sick. She ran to the bathroom and vomited. "Hermione, love, are you alright?" Draco called. "I'm fine, Draco, just a bug! I'll be alright!" He went into the bathroom and held her hair. “If you say so, Hermione… But if this isn’t over by Friday, I’m taking you to Madame Pomphrey.” She nodded, and after she’d emptied her stomach, they’d gone to bed.

By the end of the week, she’d thrown up every morning for ten or more minutes. Draco took her to the Hospital Wing and they’d both left shocked. She was 2 weeks pregnant, and they both knew that they would never let their baby be hurt.

Back to present time, night before Battle of Hogwarts

Hermione sobbed as she looked at Draco, her stomach protruding from her body quite obviously. Draco sneered at her, scoffing. “What’s wrong Mudblood, your precious Weaselbee leave you with his demon spawn?” His heart hurt at the thought of her with Ronald. ‘That doesn’t make any sense.’ He thought to himself. ‘Why would I care for a stupid, snivelling Mudblood?’ She sobbed harder, crying out when her stomach contracted. “N-Not yet, baby… N-Not y-yet… p-please….” She whimpered as her hands tightened in her hair.

About two hours later, the contractions were growing closer together, and Draco had taken her to the Hospital Wing. ‘It’s not like I care for her and her demon spawn, I just couldn’t leave her there alone. That’s all.’ Even with those thoughts scrolling through his mind, he couldn’t figure out why he was staying with her. Something inside him was telling him to stay. He finally left the Hospital Wing and went to find his godfather, growling and downing a glass of Firewhiskey. “The Mudblood is in labor.” He downed a second. “Draco, you should be with her.” Severus spoke lowly. "Why, Uncle Sev, so that I can watch her give birth to stupid little Weasels? Absolutely not." Severus sighed and led him back to the Hospital Wing, where Hermione lay in bed holding a small, blonde baby girl. "Draco….. It's a girl…." She whispered aloud, laying her head down. "It's a girl…."

Memories shot through Draco at a speed he didn't think possible. He sobbed as he rushed forward, hugging her tightly to him, rubbing the soft head of his daughter. "Jean Marie Malfoy… My daughter." He yawned. "Our Little Miracle..." He fell asleep, holding the two.


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