The Estranged Love pt 1

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Draco laid in a bed at Saint Mungo’s. The final war had ended the same way he knew it would- bloody and terrible. Half of the population of magical beings had been killed in the fray, and the ministry wasn’t happy about it. So, their solution was to pair everyone up. Everyone was given a new tattoo, each one of a certain animal. Those with matching tattoos were to be married by December 31. Draco looked down as the tattoo artist finished his. It was a small Bombay, the dark black fur a stark contrast to his pure white skin. He closed his eyes, trying to picture what his chosen significant other would look like. The only thing coming to his mind were a pair of Avada green eyes. They were so bright, so clear, so…. Beautiful. He smiled and shot open his eyes.

Harry sat in his bed, fiddling with a pen. He drew a small heart beside the little Bombay on his wrist. He wished he knew what it meant to him. “Maybe it’s a pet my mother had when I was an infant.” He thought aloud. He knew that after the war, everyone expected him to immediately marry Ginny, but that wasn’t why he pulled her away. When he did, it was to tell her that as much as he loved her, it was entirely platonic. He was expecting the slap that met with the flesh of his cheek, but he wasn’t expecting the words that next came from her mouth. “I think it’s hilarious that you thought a 10 could fall for a 2. Besides, I’ve been with Dean behind your back for months, and he’s MUCH better than you!” She slapped him again and ran off. He shook his head and wiped the blood off his lip. Maybe now he could be himself.

About a month later, Harry sat in the newly-remodeled Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Shoppe, eating a butter-rum cone. He sighed as a bit dripped down on his chin, but what he didn’t see coming was the hand that was quick to wipe the ice cream off. “Sorry for interrupting your private time, love, I thought you’d like to know that if you’re not quick, you’ll miss the Malfoy trial.” Harry smiled up at his boyfriend, Lee. “Thank you darling, I’ll see you later.” He gently kissed the corner of the man’s mouth, leaving his half eaten cone with Lee.

When he looked down at his wrist inside the Ministry, he saw little scrapes. This ultimately meant that his assigned significant other was nervous, and nearby. He sighed and sat down at his seat in the Wizengamot, tears pricking his eyes. There were so many empty seats because of the war, and he looked at what would have been the spots of people he knew, like Sirius Black’s seat, or Remus Lupin’s seat, the stand in for the Werewolf Council of Europe. It reminded him of all of the people that he could have saved simply by handing himself over to Voldemort. He shook his head as Narcissa and Draco were harshly brought in, and he growled. Where he used to be able to find a sneer in his direction, Draco’s face showed the sincerest of sorrows, and he was reminded of something that Dumbledore had told him once. “It’s not what a person is born, but what they grow to be.” Draco wasn’t at fault with his situation. He was forced to be a Death Eater, someone who followed Voldemort, by the cowardice of his father to stand up to someone who he believed to be of a higher power than he. Draco didn’t want to become a Death Eater, and he especially didn’t want to kill Dumbledore. He was just a kid seeking the love and affection of his father and mother. Just someone who wanted to fit in, even though it was with the wrong crowd. He was just like Harry had been as a first year. He was scared. He most likely felt scared, and that’s what encouraged Harry. When they called to ask who believed Draco and his mother should be spared the same sentence Lucius was faced with, Harry’s hand shot up.

Draco gasped when he saw the same black ink spot on Harry’s wrist that was on his own. He then looked over at his mother and smiled. “Everything is gonna be alright mum.” He took his pen and drew a small circle on the end of the cat’s tail as he watched Harry’s head drop. He smiled and wrote, “Thank you.” He then took his mother’s hand and followed the officials to get their belongings so that they could go home. He really was being given a true second chance. He was glad that he would end the year with Harry. He’d realized around his fourth year that his feelings for Harry weren’t hate. They weren’t even jealousy. He knew then that he loved the ravenette, the green of his eyes flashing light the killing curse through his mind every time he closed his own to sleep.

Harry rushed from the room, going to see if he could find Draco. When he ran into Lee, he smiled up at the man. “I found my assigned. I’m sorry. I’ll have my things from the flat by tomorrow.” He then ran off again. When he finally found Draco, he pulled the tall, blond man into a tight hug, burying his face into Draco’s chest. “I’m so sorry that I didn’t realize sooner…” He smiled softly. “You really have changed for the better. Professor Dumbledore was right, it really doesn’t matter how someone comes into this world so long as when they reach adulthood, they become a better person. You literally helped to save my life, and this was more than just a life debt. This was me following my heart to what felt right. And besides, because I grew up beaten, nobody argues with me.” He chuckles and stands up on his tiptoes to leave a kiss on Draco’s lips.

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